Tuesday, June 3, 2014

December 30th, 2007

December 30th, 2007

Hey sweets!
I finished the cover.  It doesn't look quite like I hoped but maybe the next time I try it it'll come out better.  So, how's my girl?  I am exhausted.  But I figured out what I'm gonna do.  I'm going to make a lot more hands and hearts, and you know when you're coloring over something and whatever is underneath gets traced onto the paper? I'm going to try and find some stuff to trace.  Hope it'll look sweet.  Man... I wonder what you're doing next Friday.  I know you want your alone time but I thought if you were at work  I could come by and do some laundry.  I want to respect your space though so whatever you want to do.  I really need to find a place w/washer and dryers.  I believe the apartment complex that we want to get into (the one at Brian's work) has 3 bedroom, hopefully 2 baths, and a washer/dryer.  Right now I'm not too worried about summer.  I am mainly just worried about my car.

Wow. After tomorrow, 2007 will be no longer.  Just a passing memory in the chapter of people's lives.  I am glad to be a part of it.  Here is my 2007 in review.

January: begin school.  (22nd) Joe's 1st year death anniversary arrives.
February: Joe's tribute show, Lauren and I get into a fight.  About a week and a half later we start talking again (Valentine's Day).
Also on Valentine's Day, I come home to Brian's gift for me (an I love you balloon, a Regina Spektor cd and the movie Flicka, and some flowers).  I get in the shower and I hear Lauren and Earnest get home.  That is only the start of a long night of Lauren bitching and crying to her friend Diana at 2am.
March: nothing really spectacular happens.
April: Earnest finds my online journal and moves out--thus ending our semi-long friendship.
May: Nick moves in, my rabbit dies :(.
June: I visit my family (yay!).  Nick moves out, Brian begins smoking.
July: Brian smokes pot but doesn't tell me; Ryan moves in.
August: Almost lose my head and for a week almost actually go skinny dipping.  Also in August, I collapse at the post office.
September: Somehow I don't remember much about this month.  Hmm. Oh well.
October: Nathan moves in.  I turned 25 years of age.
November: Had Thanksgiving at your house, you turn 24 (and all hell breaks loose).
December: Christmas marks the 10 year anniversary of my gramma dying.
All in all I've managed to survive.

I am so tired!  More tomorrow.

Dec 30th, 2007

Hey sweetheart!
Sorry about last night.  I was just so sleepy when I got home.  I wanted to write though, so you got what you got.  Ha!

Anywho, how is your day going today?  I am sitting in the Best Buy parking lot waiting around for my boyfriend to finish work. He still has a good 2 hours. I just figured since I don't want to waste the gas money, I'll come over here and chill.  It saves on gas.  I WAS going to clean out the car but the garbage can was completely FULL.  Someone had actually stuffed an umbrella into the garbage so no one else could put anything else in there.  Meanies!  Okay so... what topic should I write about?  Hmmm... Okay... music.

Anyways, I was walking to my usual window on Wednesdays (which is now the paddock).  I passed a table with a banner that said "Mancow in the mornings" on it.  I don't know if you remember this, but a long while ago there used to be this radio show called LoveLine.  When I was in the 6th/7th grade I used to listen to it because I loved how people would call up and talk about all kinds of crazy things.  I used to tape it and fall asleep so whenever I'd go out with my parents I'd listen to whatever I missed when I had fallen asleep.  I dunno what happened to the tapes; they either got recorded over or thrown out.  But they'd play songs on the radio at that hour that no one had even heard of.

I guess music has always been a huge part of my life.  When I was growing up it was how my dad and I bonded.  Nowadays it takes a lot to impress me...maybe because I'm older or musicians have lowered their standards of what good music is, but the really heartfelt songs are few and far between.  The thing I love about Alicia Keys "No one" is the fact that she doesn't mask what she's really trying to say.  She just comes out and says it, and then sings it.  Not many people can pull that off. But that is why I have such an eclectic view of what music I like.  Because no matter what genre, there is still that one person anywhere who you just connect to.

Alright well... I know I said that I want to make this a really positive notebook... but for once I would like to tell you the story of how I met Anakin, because I don't think I've ever told you.

Well... it was Kierstin's spring break.  Terri, Kierstin and I went to Toys 'r' us and then after Terri had the idea that we should see the puppies.  When we got to the house it was a little cold and dreary out (midwestern early spring).  Other people were all sitting in a circle cuddling their baby animals.  I picked one up that didn't have an owner yet.  He fell asleep in my lap. So I just pet him for what seemed like hours. Terri also picked one and she had to talk Kyle into letting them keep it.

Even though things didn't work out, I am thankful for the time I had with Anakin.  I really feel that if Kyle had let me have Anakin, I would not have gone back out with Mike.  And I really feel that Mike wanted the dog so that I wouldn't leave.

A couple weeks ago I was on Mike's girlfriend's page and she had a new pic up.  It was of Mike and their dog who looks almost exactly like Anakin (same breed).  It made me really sad because I miss my dog,  but also I really hope that the dog is a lot better treated.  I would hate to think that that poor dog is suffering.  But, with that said, hopefully my ex's new girlfriend is smarter than I was.  I let Mike get away with hurting that dog.  I guess by the time Anakin came into the picture I was already too far gone to realy see what was right from what was wrong.

Anakin--wherever you are... I am sorry I didn't give you the life you deserved.  I hope that you are happy and healthy and whoever has you now is able to train you and take care of you.
Love you!
Man--I really have to pee.  I almost want to go home cuz it's almost 7:30.  Ah, well I waited this long.  I'll bbl.


Share a quick story about your engagement/wedding
date: 8/15/06
location: our apartment
names of people involved: Brian and Rita
plans for the future (if any):
what happened: we had just gotten home from a wonderful day off together.  I had just sat down on the cushion and made myself some salad when Brian popped the question.  It wasn't as romantic as I'd hoped for but I guess he was nervous (even though he already knew what the answer was).  That night we celebrated by going to see a moving.  Looking back, even though I was already helping to pay for the ring and we had already bought it together, it was the sweetest day of my life.

Woot woot!  I made it.  Only half an hour to go.  Then I can get something to eat, go home, relax, and start some more work on this thing.  I started reading those cards that I bought and there are some that I actually like. Oh and I just thought of something else!  Haha.  I have these affirmation cards and what I want to do is make a cute little envelope and put one in.  It should be a nice little surprise for you.

I don't even know when I'm gonna give this to ya.  I'll need it at least until the end of Janaury.  You know what would be funny?  You know how there's only 1 journal between us?  Wouldn't it be funny if there was a journal that I could pass on to you when I had this one, and that you'd pass onto me when you had this one.  I really don't think we need 2 journals, but it would be good for those times of emergency.  But it's up to you on that one.

Ugh!  I am so hungry!  I still have 22 minutes until Brian gets off work.

I figured out my car situation a little bit.  I am going to pay a little bit every Friday, and send basically Brian's whole paycheck on the 11th.  Maybe just $400.  But after that, just pay as much as I can (as close to $100 as I can get).  And I need to talk to them. I was planning on paying them but I needed to pay 2 months of cable and the rest of my electric bill so the money I did have was gone.  I hate when that happens.  But the good news is... I have faith that things will get better.

Alright, I'm putting you away for now.  Bye bye notebook!  Bye Chelsea!



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