Monday, June 23, 2014

March 30th, 2011

march 30th, 2011

Lol I almost wrote PM instead of AM. Whoops.
It is also Joe's (Mike's younger brother) and Kevin (my buddy Mark's older brother)'s birthdays today, too. Happy birthday, everyone!!

I'm sorry your day was so shitty yesterday. I think what I want to start doing is putting prayers in here.

Dear God,
Thank you so much for the beautiful day I had today. The warmer weather makes me feel so much more alive, and I love hearing the birds chirping everywhere I go. I want to pray for my dear friend, Chelsea. She has things going on that I wish I could be there for, but I just can't be. I hate living so far apart that I can't just show up at her house and we can have one of our world-famous talks.

Please, please, please send your loving energy to her. Wrap her up in your arms and hold her tight so that she knows she can handle whatever life comes her way (especially this weekend) with grace and dignity.
 In Jesus' name,


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