Sunday, June 15, 2014

4/2/2011 and 4/5/2011


Good morning, Rita Bo Bita!
Time: 9:00am
Feeling: pissed off/stressed out
Listening to: Crawl by Chris Brown (so beautiful)

So, I have to pay back 5 weeks of unemployment.  I'm so pissed off.  I can understand them disqualifying me, but making me pay back is ridiculous in my opinion.  *sigh* I'll figure it out I guess.  Now my parents are going to question where all my money went.  I wish I had a fucking job.  What did I even go to school for?
I'm also really mad because I'm sick of people always adjusting my clothes for me.  I'm 27, I can dress myself.  Last night Stef and Erin both tried to tell me to pull my dress down (Stef) and up (Erin).  I was like, "it's fine!"  So Erin goes outside and tells Erica to tell me she would appreciate it if I wouldn't "snap" at her when she was just trying to help me.  I was like, WTF?  I don't know why she has to make such a big deal out of things like that. She also left a table she was at because she's the oldest one there and they were drinking underage so she didn't want to be held responsible.  Um hello, the restaurant and they would be held responsible.  And whatever, cover your ass I get it, but don't be a bitch about it.  She also tried to convince everyone she has a boyfriend for April Fools Day.  PLEASE BITCH!  I saw right through that BS.  A) not wanting to show your bf off because your friends have a habit of sleeping with them is BS.  and B) your phone died so you can't show us a picture?  Yea Ok.  And she thinks she had people convinced.  Ha ha!  Anyway, after Erin made that comment to Erica I asked to leave because I just didn't need the drama.  But since Erica had a guy she was talking to, she didn't want to leave.  *sigh* When I got home Rory was using my phone so I told him to make sure he returned it to me before he went to bed.  I woke up at 6am (not knowing it was 6am) freaking cuz I didn't have my phone and I needed my alarm so I could make sure to open the door for Danny.  So, I had to knock on Rory's door and ask for my phone.  He got really pissed off at me.  I'm like SERIOUSLY?  Ugh.  Now he wants to use the fuckin computer.  I know I need to share, I just miss having my space!


Good morning!  How are you doing?  I'm doing okay.  I had two crazy dreams.  I had to pee really bad in one and I started to go in my pants.  It woke me up and I was like OH SHIT!  And ran to the potty....


Sorry for that.  I don't even remember what happened.  Well, I was good today!  I ate all good stuff and it's now been one week since this thing started.  I'm not poopin as much as I thought I would, or rather, as often. But, when I do go, it's once a day and it's a lot.  I'm sorry for the TMI.  Well, my mom is leaving bright and early.  I'm sad this time.  I had fun and it was stress free so that was nice.
Well, I need to sleep now, love you.


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