Tuesday, June 17, 2014



Well, happy Sunday I guess.  I am exhausted.  This weekend just sucked.  Today I tried so hard to keep busy and I did well for a while but :/ blah.  So I promised you in text that I would NBS this so that's what I'm going to do!  So, things with Ryan took a bad turn.  Friday night of course is my Skeeter's night.  Ryan mentioned going but when he didn't show, I waited a while and called --no, texted-- to ask where he was.  He called me and said he'd be there soon.  In the meantime, Sara came.  I met Sara through Justin at a bonfire our friend Eric had.  Eric told Justin never to bring Sara back.  I'm not sure what happened but I know she was obnoxious.
Over the course of the next couple months, she seemed to really leech onto me.  No one liked her, but you know me -- I give everyone the benefit of the doubt.  One night, we all went to Wet Willies for karaoke.  (I'll get back to this past weekend, I swear.)  I saw this really cute guy named Deiter and Sara said she'd talk to him for me.  Long story short -- they hooked up.  Whatever, I wasn't mad because I just figured he liked her and that's what happens when you don't talk to someone yourself, you know?
So, she really got on my nerves though.  She talks a lot about her awful past -- and I get it, I mean I do it too -- however, some of it is just ... *shakes head* I don't like to question what people have been through but when they talk about it 24/7, you know?  It's weird.  She's just crazy and annoying.  Eventually, she moved to Texas and I was very relieved.  She's been gone since February I think.  I don't know, but it's been a nice break.  Well, all good things must come to an end.  She's back and of course I'm the first person she goes to.  Yay!  Not.  So, Monday, she comes to Bru's Room, and meets David Bishop.  I know I told you about him.  I met him at a few karaoke places and we started to seem interested in one another (remember my David/Ryan situation part deux?)  lol.  Anyway, he disappeared, I got over my crush on him yadda, yadda, yadda, and he was at Bru's on Monday.  We made a lot of eye contact and it was nice to see him, but he and Sara made a connection.  Whatever, cool.  I mentioned my very minimal past with him and made sure she knew I had no problem whatsoever with her and him.  Over the course of the week, she says they hung out and had sex.  Again -- no worries.  My heart was on (or is?) Ryan.  So now back to this past Friday.  Sara and her roommate showed up (yes, I did invite her out of kindness).  Well, then Ryan finally got there and Sara goes "oh, is THAT him?" (obviously, I told her about him.) So, I told her yes, that was him and he came over and hugged and kissed me.  After that, she (Sara) kind of took over.  They talked for a long time -- while Bob (Craig's dad) sat and hit on me.  I left to talk to others for a while, came back and they said they were talking about me.  Ryan kissed me again and smiled at me and then things get murky.  I'm not sure what happened between them, but a while later, Sara started in on me on how he was no good for me.  She told me that he told her that he wanted me to wait for at least a year for him.  I was a little upset but I just let it sit.  So then I was talking to him and some others and Sara came over and started again about him and I and wanting me happy so I roll my eyes and say "Oh LORD." and walk away.  They told me to come back but I wasn't having it.  So they talked for a while and when I looked back, they were walking outside.  I left it alone for maybe 5 minutes then I poked my head out.  They were talking, nothing more...

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