Monday, June 2, 2014

2007 in review

2007 In Review
David and I went to First Night in downtown Delray.  We walked around, and then we went to Boston's on the Beach and had fun eating from a buffet and listening to music.  Then we couldn't find where the ball dropped so we left and when it was midnight we were in the car.

January: I started going to Palm Beach Community for the facial specialty program.  It started off fun but gradually got nervewracking.  Anyway, I made a friend the very first day named Amanda.

Amanda and I did everything together from then on out.  She was really awesome.  She quickly became a best friend, even when I realized how much drama she attracted.

The beginning of 2007 also caused me a little distress in my marriage.  I was having some doubts and wasn't sure if it was going to work out.

February: I started getting more health wise.  I had quit smoking because of school, I started eating differently, and wanted to exercise so David and I joined a gym. Amanda and I met Brian and Eric.  Eric and Brian caused loads of issues because David didn't trust them and I did.  I should've listened to David though.  They're both asses.  Eric was just plain crazy, and Brian is kind of insensitive.

Anyway, school ended in March.  And it took me a long time to find enough motivation to find a job.  It was either May or June but I found out that a good friend of the family died of amigloidosis--a rare disease.

In June, I finally got a job working for Dillard's/Estee Lauder.  Aso, Winter came to visit for the summer.  July came/went.

August came and we had to take Winter back to Ohio :(.  I also found out that a very close friend died.  I still don't know if he killed himself, od'ed, or was killed.  Either way, it was really hard to swallow.

October, my dad had a TIA--or transcent ischemic attack.  November I turned 24 and my mom got sick.

As for Christmas this year well we're hoping it goes well. Lol.
New Years Resolutions
1. quit smoking
2. eat healthy
3. exercise
4. stop being resentful
5. work on driving

December 24th, 2007
Yup--that's all!  Lol wow I still haven't filled this whole thing up.  Ugh.

Oh, happy birthday Brian.  I just got your text message ugh.  David always does that.  Like, god forbid he just checks to see if we even have another text message.

Sorry we have to send you to the store. =/.  We should've gotten juice.

Stupid Christmas Eve Road BLock!!!!  Well, at least they're protecting us.  Ok, bye!  Love you!  Have fun reading... Love, Chelsea.

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