Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Well now that the elections are over, and Obama is serving a second term, maybe things will not be so crazy.  I just don’t understand why people have to call me names based on my beliefs.  I’m not racist, anti-gay, Islamophobic or a misogynist just because I voted for Romney.  (I know who you voted for and this isn’t a dig at you). I didn’t vote for Obama--not just because he’s Muslim (or rather not because he’s not a Christian) and was raised by a Muslim stepfather--but because I don’t like him or the things he’s “accomplished” and I feel Romney was the lesser of two evils.  Romney isn’t a Christian either.  He’s a mormon who if I was just basing my vote on that--I’d be wrong.  My status last night was “This country needs serious prayer right now” and later commented with a few things I’d learned during the election.  I didn’t cast my vote based on those things--but they do make me nervous.  My “friend” Christina posted on twitter:
“Just found out through a FB status that a “good” friend is racist and Islamophobic.  You are so transparent.  Gross.  Bye!  SHE VOTED FOR ROMNEY BECAUSE OBAMA IS A NON-PRACTICING CHRISTIAN AND WAS RAISED BY A MUSLIM STEPFATHER?  WHAT PART OF SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?????? Also, thanks for saying my rights aren’t worth shit to you. Also, when will people understand that one person cannot fix the freaking economy in four years just sit down and shut up.  But Obama won so I’m laughing at everyone who’s for the whitest man on earth, Mitt Romney.  How can you seriously vote for a man who doesn’t want same-sex marriage WHEN YOU HAVE LGBT FRIENDS ANSWER ME THAT.  You are no ally.  Sorry for my ranting.  I do hope she sees my tweets though, and has the courage to tweet me back.  I’d like to see her excuses.”  She went on to say how she loved being a feminist and wouldn’t have it any other way.  Let me pick this apart.  Why do my beliefs suggest that I’m not a good friend?  How can you call me that and then put it in quotes (“good”, i.e.) as if I’m not one just because I’m expressing my opinion?  I’m not racist.  I don’t judge someone, nor am I hateful towards them because of their skin color, or their ethnicity.  Fuck, maybe I am Islamophobic but I don’t think so.  I don’t hate the people in Islam, but their laws and policies are SCARY and I do worry about Obama having leadership of this country when he’s been raised with those beliefs, laws and policies. In my heart, I really don’t think Obama is being honest, or that he will use the laws, beliefs, and policies for good.  Either way, how does what *I* believe to be true make me transparent and gross?  Again, I didn’t vote for Romney just because Obama is a “nonpracticing Christian” and was raised by a Muslim stepfather--hellooooo Romney is a Mormon.  If I based my vote solely on religion, my vote for Romney would be wrong.  Mormon is NOT Christian.  What part of separation of Church and state do I not understand?  All of it.  It’s one nation, Under God.  I don’t believe church and state should be separate.  Unfortunately, that does contradict my fight for lesbians and gays.  But I’ll get to that in a minute.  Your rights DON’T matter to me.  Or I guess I should say, your rights DO matter to me, but mine matter to me too and the whole reason that the republican party was formed was for peoples’ rights.  They formed the party to abolish slavery, they gained women the right to vote.  Whig party=Republicans!  (March 20, 1854).  I do care about your rights.  This is so much more than our vaginas and uteruses.  However, Romney is pro life.  Planned Parenthood is not.  Why should the taxpayers pay for a woman to abort a child?  I’m not even getting into the morality of it because it’s NOT just black and white.  What I’m saying is the taxpayers don’t just pay for women who are raped and get pregnant, they pay for the women who continuously get pregnant and want abortions every time as well.  This isn’t something that should be in the country’s budget.  I may be confused on how that all worked out; but maybe it just needs to be regulated!  Anyway--so ok.  She’s right--one man can’t fix the economy in four years but it’s so easy to blame every president.  Democrats are quick to blame Bush.  Bush wasn’t very articulate but he too has tried.  Obama didn’t cut our deficit, he’s tripled them. Maybe I’m wrong and I’ll see then in this for years, but if the employment rate drops--you’re going to see more people on welfare and more people on food stamps!  How can you tell me to sit down and shut up?  I have every much as right to my beliefs as you do!  I hope you’re still laughing in 4 years, at the “whitest man ever” Mitt Romney, but I don’t think you will be!  Now, as far as me being NO ALLY, I’m going to sadly admit that she’s right.  I used to think I was one, but I realize it’s because I don’t hate or judge them.  I love them and I want to see my friends that are lesbian and gay happy.  If there was a way to make people understand that it’s wrong but forgiven--I would.  Also, I’m not saying their feelings are wrong, I’m saying the act is wrong.  I don’t believe it’s the gateway to hell though. Ugh.  I don’t know.  Long story short, this girl really hurt my feelings and I’m still waiting for her apology.  I did confront her and there was discussion but she blew my feelings off completely.  I’m not sure what to do.  At any rate, enough of that, I’m going to clean my room so I can open your box, then write tomorrow about Brian.


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