Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Comic book reviews

Comic book reviews
The boys

Yay I finally finished a comic book!! Lol I'm so proud of myself. Well, this comic was about these superheros that aren't really all that great. They run around and do drugs and have sex with the female superheros who don't really want to have sex and just do whatever but the police thinks they're great because they "stop crime" or whatever. And then you have the guys who stop the superheros from the crimes they commit. It's kind of like the movie Red with Bruce Willis and Hancock with Will Smith put together. This was only the first book but I liked it and it got me wondering what happens next so... I guess I'll find out lol. The one thing I really liked was this one guy, Billy butcher. He seems like he'd be a total hardass which he probably is but he has a sensitive side to him that I really like. There's this other character named Hughie who loses his girlfriend right after she tells him she loves him and the Feds pay him a visit and tell him not to press charges (a superhero ran into her at top speed and ran into a brick wall). Butcher finds him and takes him in but he's a little reluctant to fight. A part of him wants to avenge his lost love but another part of him just wants to forget about it, which is understandable.

Alright, I'm going to visit James and then start reading Walking Dead which I am really excited for.

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