Tuesday, November 25, 2014



Hey Chels,
 Wow all that bitching and not once did I talk about my actual day yesterday. So, first I took my dad to get his iron infusion and he was a little bit whiny. First of all he couldn't remember making the appointment and never looked at the calendar so when I reminded him he just gave me this look of "you have to be kidding me." so, we get there and first it takes a while to get the IV in and the first girl did a horrible job of it. It's not supposed to hurt that much and my dad was flipping out, and then she popped the vein. So someone else had to come in and do it. And then when they finally  got the iron going, my dad's hand started shaking and then he was calling himself an idiot because he thought that by being there and doing that whole iron infusion thing he was wrong because his hand was shaking. So the doctor gave him another dose of hydrocodone and his hand stopped shaking. Then he was hungry so I had to go to the gas station to pick up some food. He had just eaten breakfast, I had no way of knowing he was hungry but he was a little annoying about it. He kept looking in my purse thinking there would be food in there. And he kept doing it until I got food.

And then right after I dropped him off, I was on my way to see Nichole. It took a while cuz of stupid traffic, but I finally got there. I got to hold baby Alanna and Nichole was so happy that I could make it. She told me that Heather was thinking of moving back here because she and her boyfriend are fighting (big shock). And she also told me something really interesting. She said that Carlos used to hit Lisa. And that he got stabbed (I'm not sure if that killed him or if it took a while after that). And that when all that was going on, Lisa left Heather and Jessie with Rita (Nichole's mom). Now, when I was with Mike I didn't particularly agree with her style of parenting, but I'm just amazed at the fact that Lisa would just leave them. And then Rita told her that if she didn't want them, she would adopt them. Lisa said no to that of course but now she wants to move to Texas and Jessie doesn't want to go so she asked Rita if she would adopt her so that she didn't have to go. It's so sad because apparently Lisa waited 3 whole months to marry some other guy who is just as bad as Carlos was and had kids by him who call Jessie "mom". And apparently Jessie is getting into drugs now (mostly weed for the moment) so that is just great. I just can't believe Rita would offer to adopt Heather and Jessie. I was always afraid of her because of what happened while I was with Mike and out of everyone, Nichole was the only one who gave me any sort of chance. I was fb friends with Heather before she wrote me that note, basically calling me pathetic for still being friends with Nikki. I don't think it's pathetic. I think that I would have loved to be in everyone's life and watch everyone grow up and be a grown up they could actually rely on (especially now that I know what's going on with Jessica). But if the parents don't want that, then I have to respect their wishes. Nikki might be a young mom but at least her family didn't disown her and the guy she's with seems to be a good one and they've been together for more than one year. I mean of course I think she's too young to settle down and have babies. But if she's going to go down that road, she's going to need a good support system. And it seems like she's got one. I think that if Lisa wasn't completely fucking nuts then Heather wouldn't have felt the need to move 2,000 miles away and Jessie wouldn't be a pothead and I think that if Rita hadn't of been okay with hitting her kids in public then Nikki would have waited to have babies. Or maybe not. And I am still a little scared about how little Mike turned out, and Sarah. I really do not want to think of him as a woman beater and her thinking it's okay to get hit. I really hope that that part is over.

And on that note, I'm not going to clean my room today. I'm going to hang out with my man today (yay!). I do need to clean up my car a little bit but I will do that in a little bit. I'm still snuggly in bed.

Love you,


Ps. I can't clean my room tomorrow either because I have a shitload of tests to make up. Whee fun.
Dreams for 7/26/2012:
Oh my damn I just had the weirdest dream ever. First I dreamed I was in this sort of church where there were lots of kids and as I was trying to make my way through these guys would pull me towards them and try to put their arms around me. Then I remember my mom and I getting into some sort of fight and I just took off to the church but it was different so I drove all the way to door county by myself and I was fine until I needed a place to stay. I was going to stay with a friend who kindly took me in and we were going to go shopping at 7:30am but the guy who was picking us up thought it was 7:30pm and she got upset. And then I woke up.

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