Monday, November 24, 2014

September 1st, 2012

September 1st, 2012

Hey Chels,
Wow. It is official... Summer is kind of over. I more or less survived and I still can't believe that august is gone. It was by far the craziest month ever of my life. Between meeting someone new, the goddess retreat, and all this other stuff, I just feel like.. I'm not even sure right now. I am fucking exhausted though but I'm not sure if I'm gonna go to sleep tonight, might just watch Olga Kay videos until the sun comes up lol.
I saw the possession tonight with James and omg it was so good!! But so fucking creepy. But I'm glad that I saw it even though I'm probably not going to be able to sleep tonight lol. So, after the movie we went out for dinner and then he took me back to his place so we could watch something funny to get the creepy out of my head lol. I had a wonderful time with him and we did talk about what happened... He said that he called me his girlfriend to the lady at the pizza place because she's always trying to get him to date her daughter who is a druggie. But he didn't mean it the way I thought he meant it. So... Tomorrow night I'm going back over to his house and he's making me dinner :). Honestly, I'm just happy that things worked out. I didn't have to say everything but I did say that I was sorry and sometimes I'm a dope. He just seems like a very good guy who is just easy to get along with and I have so much fun when I'm with him. I have no idea what the future holds but now that we got the shit out of the way I think things will end up good regardless and if they don't work out romantically I hope we can stay buddies.

The only thing is, I'm sure it's going to disappoint all my other guy friends lol. I mean, I have to do what's best for me and I really like this guy and I want to see where it goes with him. And I'm sorry to everyone else but that's just how it has to be. I just have to go with what I feel is right here and I guess it's James for now. I just hope you will understand and not think I'm a nut for going back to him. I honestly think it was just a miscommunication and he knows I'm sorry about it and we're moving forward now.

So... On another note... I can't wait for a couple of weeks from now!! I'm going to wild magick and I can't wait. I feel like I need another vacation lol. I'm not sure how much money I will have to spend but I'm not going to buy a lot. I am however going to have a crapload of fun and of course write you about it.

Fuck it's almost 4am. I'm gonna watch some Olga Kay for now and then hopefully soon I can shut my eyes for a few. Damn movie lol.

Love you,


~book review~
Wondrous strange

This book is so good I didn't want to put it down to even write this but the deal is to stop every 50-100 pages so here I am lol. So... The story takes place in new York city a couple weeks before Halloween. In this book, Halloween (or Samhain), is the time when the spirits come back and you can more easily talk to the dead (think Supernatural). The story follows a girl named Kelley who moved to NYC to pursue her dream of acting. Right now she's the lead in the play A Midsummer Night's Dream, but mostly because the real lead broke her ankle and can't perform. So, she of course doesn't know a bunch of her lines and gets yelled at by the director so she's in central park when this guy (who was there to protect the humans from whatever comes out of the Gate below) gave her a rose because she was crying and then disappeared. Well, she was going home when she saw this horse in the water and she tried to save it but it ended up saving her and it's currently in her apartment and won't leave the bathtub. Not to mention he's eating her roommate's incredibly expensive bubble bath.
At the moment that was going on, there was some kind of fight with a bunch of pixies or faeries, I forget which, so the horse was gone before the guy knew it was there. Turns out it's a kelpie, which are dangerous, but for some reason it likes Kelley and she is having really disturbing dreams which I think are connected. At any rate, the guy, sonny, tried to approach her before to talk about the horse and of course she wouldn't listen but she's finally told him about it because he showed up again when she was putting up flyers to find the owners of the horse. And then got attacked by a hell hound. So that is where I'm at right now.

So, it turns out not only was Kelley the faerie king's daughter, her "aunt" was really sonny's mother. The charm that Emma put on Kelley kept her hidden from the faery world, so when she took it off she saw with her own eyes who she really was. Apparently the storm hag that came to sonny's apartment wasn't really looking for the kelpie, she was looking for Kelley. Because the faerie king might be her father, but the autumn queen was her mother, an evil, evil lady. He was kind of a jerk, too though. Sonny was stolen from Emma and given to the king by Bob, and the faerie king doted on him while completely ignoring his own flesh and blood daughter. So Bob stole her and gave her to Emma. So that's why the gates were closed, to try and find his daughter, but Emma escaped and then this couple in the mortal realm took Emma and Kelley in until they died in a car accident and Emma raised her by herself. Well, the faerie king wasn't interested in getting his daughter back for good reasons, he wanted her killed so he wouldn't have any competition for the throne.

I've never read a midsummer Night's dream, but I have a feeling that this is a modernized version of the play because everything that was happening in the play was happening in real life, also. And yep, there are two other books to this series and yes I have them both :). Now, onto the next one. Sonny went rogue for a minute because the kelpie turned into a war horse. See, he had an enchantment in his mane and tail and if he had them all taken out he'd be a normal horse. There was some war between the worlds where the men had bloodlust in their eyes to hunt a white stag and wreak havock in the mortal realm and the roan horse had an enchantment put on him to disguise himself as a kelpie (the faerie king did it). If the kelpie had a rider and the horn was blown 3 times, then he would become a roan horse and the rider would be driven by bloodlust to hunt and kill. Well, when the queen saw that sonny had mistaken what the storm hag meant and brought her the horse instead of Kelley, she took that as going back on his word (even though he really didn't) so she went to go find Kelley herself. Well, Kelley at that point had disappeared because she was looking for her father and she did end up finding him. He said the only way to stop this was to become human again but I guess he figured she would never seek help from the dark power of her mother. But he figured wrong. So she made a deal with him but to keep his deal, sonny had to be banished to the Otherworld.  So in the next book, she's going to get him back. I hope.

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