Saturday, November 29, 2014

December 8th, 2012 meditation

Winter Goddess Blessings
8 December
How often do you, my sisters, enter into the place of silence? That sacred space of listening for the whispers of the divine? The energies of this time of year are conducive for 'going within'...
There is a precious gift awaiting those willing to step into these unknown realms... Though, the path may be dark, scary and void of conscious comfort and security, it is a journey of great reward. Somewhere within the quiet moments of unspoken embrace with the ethereal realm; the place where you've planted your dream seeds, the place where all that you most desire awaits physical manifestation.... you will find your authentic self and a deeper understanding of the sacred and mystical forces of life itself. If we are brave enough to remain in this place of inner solitude, we will find we are not alone. We are one with the Great Mystery. We are one with truth, with love, with life.
There are many ways to meditate... some focus on their breath, others walk a labyrinth, or repeat a mantra. Many sit quietly and allow their thoughts to pass by like clouds in the vast blue sky. Remaining in the moment, NOW, is meditation. The quiet mind of day dreaming, is a form of meditation we innately knew in childhood. Some follow a path inward by listening to a guided meditation. I've often entered into a deeply meditative state while performing mundane tasks (such as washing dishes), as well as while sitting alone in nature, sipping a glass of wine, and even during the half awake, half asleep state of being. How ever you choose to meditate, it is a beneficial experience.
During this season of darkness, let's take time to meditate daily, not only to reduce stress, but to become more aware of our deeper purpose in life. Somewhere in the stillness, we will hear the gentle whispering of our spirit which will awaken us to the wisdom we were born to remember. ?

Winter Meditation
by witchy poo

“Meditation is an essential travel partner on your journey of personal transformation. Meditation connects you with your soul, and this connection gives you access to your intuition, your heartfelt desires, your integrity, and the inspiration to create a life you love.”
? Sarah McLean

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