Monday, November 24, 2014

Vampire Myths

~vampire stuff~
Vampire Myths
There are many myths about vampires, most of them created and put into circulation by the Volturi.  Their purpose is to disguise the existence of vampires behind stories that could never be proven to have a basis in truth--and to make it possible for a vampire to easily "prove" that he is not a vampire to a human who believes the myths (by touching a cross or standing in front of a mirror, for example).  Additionally, these myths give humans a sense of control over the supernatural.  Though vampires are never in any danger from humans, the Volturi contend that human ignorance makes hunting more convenient for all.

Myths Circulated By The Volturi Include:
~Vampires are burned by the sun.
~Vampires are always unconscious during daylight hours.
~Vampires have no reflection.
~Vampires can be harmed by crosses, holy water, and garlic.
~Vampires have visible fangs.
~Vampires can assume the form of a bat.
~Vampires must have permission to enter a house.
~Vampires can be killed by a wooden stake stabbed into their hearts.

Truths The Volturi Were Able to Eradicate Over Time:
~Vampires have red or black eyes (gold wasn't a known option at the time).
~Vampires reflect sunlight prismatically.
~Vampires never sleep.
~Vampires are nearly indestructible.

Truths The Volturi Were Not Able to Quash:
~Vampires are flammable.
~Vampires are pale.
~Vampires drink blood.
~Vampires are beautiful.
~Vampires are immortal.

One benefit of the surviving truths is that there are humans who actually seek out vampires in an attempt to gain beauty or immortality.  This benefits the Volturi when they want a human front as a facade.

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