Friday, November 28, 2014

November 15th, 2012

November 15th, 2012

Hey Chels,
Well, I wanted to take a bath but my mom just got home and is making dinner so I should wait. So... I have been having an okay week... Actually I'm not so crazy over Larry not texting me because I know he's not feeling well :(. He talked to me yesterday and said he was coming down with something and my mom has really bad allergies too. And at least I know that he's not doing drugs behind my back. So... Today I didn't hear from him at all but instead of getting all self-doubty like normal, I didn't let it phase me. And to be honest, I'm actually giving myself time to focus on me again, which is something I most definitely needed. I went right from James to Larry and if he was feeling better then yeah I wouldn't be writing this but you know... If I learned anything this year it's that I am more important than some guy. If he's worth his salt he won't let me go without a fight. Aww I just heard from him and he said he was sleeping for most of the day. Poor guy :(.

November 15th, 2012
This dream was a bad one. It went from a regular dream to just downright crazy. At first I was at my friend Kozue's house and I kept finding notes on the ground and I kept taking them and putting them in my pocket. And then I got stuck in her house and all of a sudden there was this invisible mist that wanted this baby so much it would do anything. I was taking a shower with this baby and the mist came in the water and turned my hair white and then it started falling out and this girl kept knocking at the door asking if I needed anything and I tried to answer but it came out in a puff of smoke and the puff of smoke hit the door and she heard me and opened the door and got me out of that room. And then this guy snuck in and he was trying to kill it but it killed him first. I woke up after that.

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