Saturday, November 29, 2014

December 19th, 2012

December 19th, 2012

Hey Chels,
Well, I just turned my phone off because I was sick over obsessing over it. I have no idea what happened to Larry but hopefully soon there will be some kind of answer soon as to whether or not he got the damn cookies. Honestly if I had known this was going to happen I would have just mailed them out and saved myself the trouble of obsessing. But like... He did tell me that he would let me know if he got what I "sent" him so I'm guessing that he hadn't come home yet or his phone battery died or he was just too tired/lazy to answer me back. I really hope that nothing happened to the cookies and they were still there when his mom got home and she picked them up. That's what I'm hoping for. But it's out of my control. I'm just glad I didn't write anything embarrassing in my card to him. Frankly... Even if things didn't work out, I'm glad I made the cookies for him. It was the right move for me. And if anything I will just drive by his house tomorrow when I go back to best buy to pick up a DVD for my aunt (I got her a season of breaking bad that she already had).
Another thing I'm thinking is that maybe nobody saw it in the dark and tomorrow morning somebody will notice that there's a bucket with Larry's name on it??
Ugh. See this is why I would love it if he just answered me, lol.

In other news, I checked out Jenelle's fb profile and her picture is her and another guy. So yep... The one girl that would take him back is already with someone else after she wouldn't leave him alone practically the entire time we were together. What does it say about Barry that he kept me a secret and then flaunted his "relationships" with girls like Sarah and Jenelle? For all I know, he kicked her to the curb and is trying to better himself and she's trying to make him jealous. And I'm pretty damn sure that he could find 10 more girls just like jenelle. But he will never have anybody like me ever again and he knows it. Even though I'm the only person who actually stuck to my word and stopped speaking to him for real, I know I did the right thing. I don't care if he is trying to better his life. He could have the best life and it would still suck because I'm not the one with a class 4 felony on my record. I'm sorry but who would date that guy? Besides the desperate girls who are too stupid and naive to know any better.

So... I'm not sure about this whole plenty of fish thing. I mean, I've met a couple of nice guys but like... The majority of men are either in their 40s or in their 20s and they have kids already. This one guy is like 27 or something and has 2 kids with this woman and I guess they were married but just now got separated. I told him that the last thing he needs right now is a relationship and he stopped talking to me. He's gotta realize that yeah it sucks to be single after a long relationship but would you want to bring another woman into that mess? I'm guessing no. Not if you really were a good guy. I dunno. Some people I connect with and then they stop talking to me. I don't even know what exactly it is that I'm looking for and part of me feels like I'm cheating on Larry even though today was the first day I heard from him in a bit cuz he's been so stressed out with work and stuff.

Well, I'm exhausted so I'm going to attempt to get some sleep. I will let you know when I do about what happened with the cookies. Did he get them? Did someone take them? I have no idea.

Love you!!


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