Saturday, November 29, 2014

December 26th, 2012

December 26th, 2012

Hey Chels,
Merry belated Christmas!!! I am so sleepy but I wanted to write to you. I hope you had a great holiday because I did. I had a wonderful couple of days. First off, Christmas eve with my mom's side of the family was great. My cousins put on their Christmas skit (which I had my mom video record) and I even got some presents! For the past couple of years (after Kathy passed away) I had only been getting like 1 present so this year it was nice to open more than one thing. And I guess maddy's mom has a new boyfriend. Which means she's coming home late with hickies on her neck and missed her daughter's flute recital because she was probably having sex with her boyfriend. It kills me because I love maddy and Chloe as if they were my own babies and their own mother doesn't even give a shit that she gets to see them almost every day of their lives. I only get to see them a few times a year. But the one thing I'm grateful for is that all of my baby cousins know that if they needed me, I would be there in a second. I would consider myself incredibly lucky to have children as wonderful as those kids. But anyway. So, today went beautifully as well. My aunt got me stuff I could actually use!! I actually got a couple different journals so I might use one or both as tarot journals, I haven't decided yet.

In other news, it was so wonderful to just leave my cell phone unattended. No boys to worry about or make excuses for. And then today I'm going to go shopping with my friend Emily. I can't wait. My mom could only find two of the CDs I asked for so I'm going to have to find them and get them for myself. My mom said I could put $100 on the card and buy what I want. I'm excited to just go shopping.

Oh and I saw Les Miz tonight with my mom. It was less of a musical and more of an opera. But nevertheless, it was beautiful. There was slavery, love, hookers, children, crazy and wonderful things. I'm so glad I saw it. I knew it was going to be heavy but I didn't know exactly what I was in for. But loooooveeeee!!!!!

So today is shopping, then I think I'm going to Jason's for an after Christmas party, then Saturday is my writing group. This last week of 2012 is busy busy. Oh and I also decided that before I watch any more YouTube videos, I'm going to read every email in my yahoo groups folder. I'm getting down to the nitty gritty of things and I want there to be a lot of things to catch up on. Except for the stuff I'm going to listen to when I'm studying. But that's different. And probably by the time I've emptied out that folder, there'll be more stuff to read.

Love you!


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