Saturday, July 5, 2014

September 18th, 2011

September 18th, 2011

Hey lady ~
Wow what a weird day.  I just got back from the library and I only came back with one book.  I am so sleepy today.  So today is my nb/America's Got Talent marathon.  Seems like the perfect way to spend a rainy Sunday.  And after I'm done eating, I will come back and write some more.



Hey Chels,
Wow what a day. So, I was going to visit Barry in the hospital but by the time I was ready to go, he wasn't there anymore.  So, here is the whole story.  Apparently on Friday morning he had a seizure and when he texted me I was still asleep.  He ended up not texting me back till almost 3pm while I was painting.  After  the initial shock wore off and I knew he would be okay, I went back to painting and tried not to worry too much.  So he ended up going to the doc who referred him to a neuro who he saw today (which was supposed to be his next parole meeting but not sure what happened with that).  So I guess he got into it with a nurse and a cop at Sherman Hospital because the nurse was telling him he shouldn't be driving so he offered up his keys and she called a cop anyway but nothing ultimately happened because he never got his CT scan tests back so after hours of waiting he just left and went to a friend's house and I guess he's going to go to another hospital tomorrow.  I think he's okay for now, this all just happened because he didn't take his medicine (because he either misplaced it or someone took it and I'm guessing it's the second one), but still.  I guess he needs to know what exactly is going on with his brain and see what the damage is (if any).  I'm sure there's more going on but this is all I could piece together from the fragments of information that I've gotten so far.

I dunno how I feel -- this is by far the best relationship I've had and this past month and the last one have been so insane.  I'm just trying to stay calm and not add any more stress to the situation.  I could very well say "fuck this it's too much for me" and just remove myself from the situation, but I really don't want to do that.  If he were just my friend and having these issues I would still want to be there for him.  Plus, he needs to have one thing positive to think about while he's going through all of this.

I hate that he's going through this.  I hate that he was unable to take his medication and he had a seizure.  I hate that he is so fragile right now and he might get worse.  He was doing well for a while.  I feel like this is beyond Magick.  That I have to just sit back and let happen whatever is supposed to happen.  I can still pray though so I think that's what I will do.

 Dear God,
Please be with Barry right now.  He has so much going on all at once -- between work and taking care of himself and now all of these health issues.  I am trusting in you to do your will but I feel so helpless.  All I can do is sit around and be patient while he is basically fighting for his life.  Please just see that everything goes smoothly tomorrow so the doctors can see what exactly is going on so they know how to prevent it from happening again.  Also, please be with me and give me the strength to get through this so I don't end up going crazy myself.

In Jesus name,

I know things will probably end up being fine, but I never hurts to ask the G man for some help.

Alright, I think I feel calm enough to lay down now.

Love you!

September 20th

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