Friday, July 11, 2014


Good morning!  I’m at Big Lots waiting for my shift to start in about 13 minutes and I thought “What the hell?  Why not write?”  Lol.  I can write now, at lunch, after work, and all day tomorrow!  Well, I do have to go to dr, and get my paycheck.  Damn I left my soda in dad’s car and I have no money.  Oh well.  Oh damn, are you fuckin’ kidding me?  I come in here to sit and write and these guys come in and start being obnoxious.  Ugh.  Whatever.  So annoying.  But yea, I have to go see Dr Kelso tomorrow.  I have 4 thyroid pills left and no refills so time to see her.  She has to test my TSH levels and that means drawing blood.  Booooooo omg these guys are talking so loud and every other word is bitch, fuck, and dawg, and nigga, shit… etc.  Dear South Florida, why the fuck are you filled with old people and uneducated ghetto jerks?  It’s like, where did my home go?  I don’t mean to sound racist, but I feel like Haitians are taking over.  Sears had so little white people, now Big Lots is becoming the same.  Look, it’s time to go clock in and these guys just left.  More at lunch!  Love ya!

Happy lunch time finally.  What a day so far.  I don’t really trust any of the bitches I work with.  Everyone is dirty here.  Friends talk shit about friends (I’m guilty of it too but who isn’t?).  I’m just sick of retail.  Supposedly, Jeremy is going to get a CSS position.  (main cashier) and I don’t see why he would get it over Barb or even Stephanie.  Shit, even *I* would be better suited for the job.  This guy is so rude.  He puts his hands on women and tells us we’re “fluffy,” he tries to treat us like we’re inferior or something and his hygiene is horrific.  No one would stay here if he was to become a CSS.  But I don’t see the point in getting all bent out of shape about something that hasn’t happened  yet.  I mean if Al is thinking about ok-ing it he better do it today because it’s his last day as a manager.  Joey is our new manager (yay!) (if you go back in the NB, I wrote about him training here to go to Delray and how gorgeous he is).  And Joey doesn’t seem to care for Jeremy.  Who knows though?  Jeremy also used to try and talk to me but got jealous of me having guy friends.  Um, fuck you dude.  So, yea we’ll see what happens there.
Stephanie…. she’s a fucking moron.  She didn’t want to call Al up to the front desk for this return she had, so she decided to use Daniel’s numbers.  Well, Daniel isn’t here so that’s against company policy.  she goes “I’m going to use Daniel’s numbers, shhh don’t tell.”  I was like, “Don’t do that he can get in trouble.”  She’s like, “I don’t care” and she did it.  I mean WTF?  I have zero sympathy for her if she gets fired.  Zero.  And I hope no one asks me.  I’m not a tattle, and I don’t want to be involved.  More to tell you but lunch is over.  3 hours left!  More after work.

God the last couple hours of work sucked.  Lil yelled at me like 3 times for no reason.  Bitch.  First I was getting ready to do another return cart and yea, I stopped to talk to Barb and Cassandra about something but it was important!  So Lil is like, “look at all these return carts, why are you just standing these?”  And looks at me like I’m the only one standing around.  So I go back to what I’m doing even though I already did 2 return carts and Barb calls me up for assistance (while she and Cassandra still stand there and talk).  And Stephanie is talking to me while I wait on customers and I’m answering and Lil is like, “Why are you conversing with Stephanie?”  (pen change! Guess I wore that one out!) I was like, “she’s paying with debit card so I was waiting.”  She’s like, “well that only takes two seconds.”  And I was like, “And by the time that was done, so was I!”  I mean how ridiculous.  All in front of customers.  That irks me so much.  Yell at me in private, assholes.  God.  We were fine by the end though.  Barb has been really pissing me off also.  Sunday, a little old lady left a bag of makeup she bought at Big Lots on my bag counter, and so I gave it to Barb in case the woman came back.  She did about half an hour later.  Both Barb’s line and mine were long, but I told the woman Barb would hand it to her and said, “Hey Barb” just to alert her and she snaps at me, “I’m busy.”  Well, no shit bitch, so am I!  The woman got it herself but ugh.  I was supposed to go to Barb’s house Monday and hang with her and Stephanie but no one called me.  Stephanie went though.  I bet Barb called her.  Really, I feel like there’s no one here I have as a true friend.  Brian even says it’s like there’s no one I can rely on.  I wish we could move away and make new friends. So wow I did another 4 pages so far today (5 almost).  I think 5 is my limit because Brian will be here soon and I’ll be eating then lose time to write so =/ but I’m sure I can do like ten pages tomorrow.  If I keep getting my 11-6 and 11-7 shifts and bring the NB I will finish this thing (well the writing part) in no time.  Then, I can concentrate on the first and middle section.  OH, I will SO be done with this by August! That’s awesome because it means I’ll be starting the new one just in time.  I’m chomping at the bit to get that one under way because it will be so special.  I mean, the plans I have for that can’t be beat. It will be even better than the yearbook. I don’t want to unveil anything because I want to have you be so thrilled, surprised, and completely knock your socks off!  Ok, enough of that.  Hey what part of Cali is Beverly in?  It would be interesting to meet her if she was in the LA area while I’m there.  I know she’s not fond of me though.  Sometimes I miss her because she had a soothing affect on me-- kind of like you but yours is more your voice.  Hers is like, in the way she worded things when we would chat in IM.  Maybe it’s because she is connected to you.  That’s an interesting way to look at it… Brian still isn’t here.  I can write more.  Yay!  My dad’s friend is also still here. Which means we won’t be eating for a while longer so maybe 6 is my limit lol.  I will stop driving you nuts with a page countdown and find other things to write about.  So I keep pushing my shopping trip back to take care of responsibilities. I think after I do my thyroid stuff I’ll buy a little bit, save some, and do that every week until I can pay my court fines and still have clothes.  I’m so tired of never doing things for me!  We’ll see how things go in the next couple of weeks, hmmm?  Geeze, I’m running out of things to talk about. I think that means it’s definitely time to put my pen down and be silent for tonight.  I know I’ll have plenty to say tomorrow.  It’s dr/thyroid/paycheck/laundry day.  Who knows what other adventures my dad will go on too.  I hope I get to go to the doc.  He just paid $200.00 for Rory to go today (he was working on the truck and gas spilled in his ear and now the ear is infected--I will write about that tomorrow).  So yea the difference is, I’m giving my dad my paycheck so I can go.  Rory now has a job but hasn’t gotten paid yet.  Looks like I’ll be chatty tomorrow if I don’t get distracted with reading (Brian booked my Kindle up!)  Haha.  I love you more than life!

<3, me

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