Wednesday, July 16, 2014

January 10th, 2012

January 10th, 2012

Hey Chels,
Omg what a "buttfuck" of a day.  But you know about it already so I'm not going to write about it again, especially not before bed. But I am going to write about this book series, Seven Deadly Sins.

In this book, Sloth, Beth is feeling guilty because of something she did in the previous book.  But to discuss that, I have to start from the beginning.  The characters all live in this small town of Grace, California.  There is Adam--the all American guy and his girlfriend, the "good girl," Beth.  There is Harper, who lives next door to Adam and they're best friends but she wants more.  Then there is Miranda, the witty tomboy who is Harper's bff but she is always riding Harper's coattails.  And then there is Kane, Adam's best friend and all around bad boy.  Kane secretly always wanted Beth and Miranda secretly always wanted Kane but Beth picked Adam and Kane overlooked Miranda.
Well, this new girl moves into town from NYC--Kaia.  She is used to the fast life and gets bored easily.  She devises a plan with Kane and Harper to break Adam and Beth up, which isn't hard because there were already problems.  They had been going out for over a year and Beth wouldn't sleep with Adam.  I'm not saying you have to, and if someone's not ready I can understand that, but at some point you have to talk to that person about it, otherwise what are you doing in a relationship with that person?
So, Beth and Adam get into this huge fight and he hands out with Harper at a bar and then he goes to the bathroom and never comes back because he's hooking up with Kaia.  Of course he feels like shit about it after he and Beth make up but then she feels guilty too because her French teacher kisses her (more like forced himself on her).  I guess he picked her because he knew she wouldn't stand up for herself and he was right.
So anyway, Kaia pursues this Jack Powell guy because he's sexy or whatever but he makes it perfectly clear that they're not together.  He even makes out with someone else at a ski trip.  But when she finds someone else he gets mad and goes stalker crazy on her.  She goes to confront him and he ends up trying to attack her (rape) but she hits him on the head and runs out of there.  She calls 911 and I guess he is saved but would have been better off dead.  She was going to call the cops when she died.
So... Kaia orchistrates this massive makeout scene between Kane and "Beth," who is really Harper but Kane photoshops the pictures and they each spend enough time with the objects of their desires so that when the shit hits the fan, Kane will get Beth and Harper will get Adam, which is exactly what happens, besides the fact that Harper knew that Miranda was into Kane and not only tried to steer her away so their plan could work, she ditched her for Adam.  Things finally came to a head at a NYE party when Kane tried giving Beth X so she'd sleep with him but when that didn't work he took a pill himself and opened his mouth loud enough for Adam to hear.  When Adam found out what Harper and Kane did, he found Beth and they got back together for a second before Kaia told Beth that she and Adam slept together while they were still together.

So, Adam spent the whole last book, Wrath, pissed at Kane, who thinks he should be over it by now, and Harper, who basically played him for a fool.  So they hash up another plan to get back at Beth, who at this point is sick and tired of getting shit on all the time and is beginning to snap.  With Kaia's help, Harper writes this speech that wins and she gets to read it to the governer.
Beth wrote one too but she was so unfocused that she ended up stealing another person's speech, but she ended up not using it.  Oh--Harper and Kane want to get back at Beth for making a flyer spilling all of their secrets on it but it backfires because it just makes her and Miranda (who helped) look weak and it makes Harper more popular and she even wins the speech because it's a popularity contest.
But Harper didn't count on being afraid to talk in front of people.  So Kaia gives her some Xanax to take.  Beth, who is still pissed that Harper won, puts the drugs that Kane gave her into some hot cocoa and offers it to Harper.  When Harper gets on stage she basically humiliates herself and begs Adam to forgive her but he won't so she storms off and finds Kaia.  Kaia gives Harper the keys to her car and Harper drives off and then gets hit by another  driver and they both get thrown from the car but Kaia is dead at this point.

So now, Harper is still the Queen B, Miranda and Adam are trying to kiss up to her, and Beth feels hella guilty because she overheard Harper's confession that she was driving.
To be honest, I kind of hope Beth doesn't say anything because it wasn't entirely her fault plus it's not like Kaia even tried to like her but instead knew all the right buttons to press. I could see why she would feel guilty, I mean someone died because of her carelessness, but it wasn't her fault that Harper was driving.  Frankly, I wish it had been Harper who died, because at least Kaia never pretended to have any redeeming qualities. But I have two more books to finish so we'll see!



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