Thursday, July 10, 2014


So, here I am at work 2 hours early.  I know, WTF?  Well, I got a ride with Steph who came in at 4.  So I brought the NB!  I brought a book too knowing I’ll need a writing break.  Sorry, I just can’t write for 2 hours.  The worst part is I’m in the hot break room and there’s no table.  They took it away!  Lots of fucked up things going on at work BTW.  Our store manager is leaving (she’s moving to PA) and Red (the associate manager) is gone now also.  So all we have left is Daniel (the associate manager)  and Lil (the DTS manager, and my least favorite).  So, they brought in Joey, who is the assistant manager of Big Lots in Delray Beach.  He’s very new.  He trained at my store a couple months ago.  Anyway, he’s taking Debbie’s position for now.  Now, he’s sweeping house so, who knows who keeps their jobs.  Joey is soooooo hot though.  He has beautiful eyes and for the most part he’s nice.  But I have to stay on my “A” game.  Brb gonna go get my paycheck!  I’m 6 cents short of $175.00 lmao.  Oh well.  So, $60 for my driver’s license that leaves me with $114.94.  I may use money to get Brian and Dad Father’s day gifts.  I’m also giving Brian $ for LA trip fund.  Maybe if I give him $70 for that it will put me at $200 so far.  I’ll give my dad my last $45 and do gifts next week.  Hmmm Idk.  I’ll talk to Brian about it.  So, my FB posts.  Well, I need to clean my life and rid it of poison.  Erica has to go but it’s so hard for me.  I’m also afraid if I do, she’ll sue me for the $$ for the dude’s car I hit.  So, I’m waiting until the court mediation before deciding my plan of action.  That’s kind of dirty of me but fuck it.  She has lied to me countless times about Rich and talking to/sleeping with him, she lied to me about the situation with Greg, she told everyone what I did, she’s cheated on Greg with both Rich and now Wayne who she’s leading on, she’s inviting my friends to parties and telling them I can’t go because her parents hate me, which is fine WTF.  Plus how can you forgive me for deceiving you without hesitation but not for an accident?  I don’t trust her at all.  Like, I don’t think the cops really harrassed her to go talk to them, I think she got scared, went and threw me under the bus.  I get that I should take care of my responsibility but don’t lie to me.  Yea, I lied to you for months about sleeping with your boyfriend but you know you lied to me all this time about everything not knowing what *I* did.  Ugh writing it gives me a headache.  Also, the karaoke crew is getting to be a lot of drama.  Nicole and Jordan don’t like Dawson, no one will let it go, Brian and I want nothing to do with it but even when we say we don’t wanna hear about it, we do!  From both sides.  It’s exhausting.  I can’t get Sara out of my life!  She’s nuts and goes everywhere I do.  She’s had 4 kids taken away from her, though she’ll tell you she gave them up for adoption.  Now, supposedly, she’s carrying Justin’s kid.  Omg I’m falling asleep.

Love you,

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