Tuesday, July 15, 2014


So I have 32 pages.  If I do 10 pages (12 today) a day I’ll be done writing by Monday/Tuesday.  Of course, that depends on life, too.  Distractions and work mostly.  Work was alright yesterday with the exception of a couple of things.  First of all, Joey came in with his girlfriend and tried to be all nice.  Pffft.  You know what?  I’ll be civil because he’s the store manager, and he can delegate work to me, I’ll do it.  but don’t act like my friend!  I’m just done.  I told Daniel and Barb about the situation and they were like, “oh he has to tell everyone what’s going on and lecture them.”  Ok?  That’s fine--lecture the people who are the problem.  Don’t proceed to take your annoyance out on those who fill in and stay late for you.  I am sick of always being the guinea pig, and punching bag at that place.  I won’t stand for it anymore.  Lil is never nice to me so I only speak to her when I have to.  I no longer try to be nice to her.  I don’t see that as creating a hostile work environment, either.  I see it as minding my business.  I go in, do my job and leave.  I don’t have to be your friend, I just have to please the customers by doing my job.  So there.  The second thing that happened will take a moment to explain.  I was at my register and this old couple came up with their things and I began ringing them up.  In the meantime, there’s a child in the store somewhere screaming his head off, and you can hear his mother very calmly talking to him.  The old couple were very annoyed though by the raucous and started commenting.  The guy mentioned putting an enema in the kid’s ass (because apparently, giving a kid an enema makes them quiet).  The woman says, “Really he just needs a kick in the ass.”  And then the man says, “Maybe we could give the mother a really late abortion.”  I didn’t say much to these people, just continued doing my job.  The little boy came over and said hello to us, then went over to where his mother was.  There was more screaming and then the old couple left and I continued with other customers.  When the mother came up to Barb’s register, I watched very closely and realized by the child’s screaming and actions, that he was autistic.  I learned (after they left) that I was right.  5 minutes after that kid left, the old woman that was making rude comments with her (I’m assuming) husband, came back in.  She’d purchased a glass canister and dropped it outside and broke it.  Me being the niave woman I am, figure if I told her the truth about the child, it would soften her heart.  Well, I was wrong.  Instead, the woman says, “She should have had an abortion, that’s what happens when you smoke shit through your pregnancy.”  It was all I could do just to hand her her reciept and not say something to her.  I’m still pretty pissed.  How dare you say an autistic child doesn’t deserve to live and that it’s the mother’s fault.  Disgusting, I just can’t believe how some people are.  So there are the only things that bothered me at work.  Today I’m off.  I need to call and get my schedule but i took a nap and now I just want to write in here.  If I get 12 pages done, I’ll call.  If my dad wakes up first, we’ll probably go.  Either way I plan to get 12 pages done in here today.  I probably won’t cause if I make plans, life changes them.  How typical, yea? So, poor Brian.  His car is having horrible issues.  I ended up giving him my first and only “big” paycheck ever.  He had to use his money for his car so I gave him mine for our phone.  I made $231.64.  I never make that, Rita.  Like ever.  *sigh* oh well.  If I had an actual decent job, I’d be doing way better. Omg I can’t believe I wanted to do 12 pages and I haven’t even done 4.  I told you it was distractions.  Ugh.  Anyway…


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