Monday, July 7, 2014


This is turning out like the last one!  Boooo!  So for 10 days I’ve been like “Ok, I need to write to Rita!”  And there’s just so much going on. Now catching you up on stuff will be difficult.  So I’ll start with Ryan since that’s basically where I left off.  So, he’s out of the hospital and we did ok for a while with talking and he made an effort.  Then it got weird again.  First, his dad and Vicki (his dad’s fiance) got me a birthday gift and Ryan freaked out.  I guess he thinks Vicki was trying to make HIM look bad.  I mean, why can’t someone just like and care about me?  It was a very thoughtful gift.  It’s heart necklace with a peace sign in the middle and Vicki said the minute she saw it, she thought of me and then Brian said the same thing--because when they think of me that’s what they think--peace and love.  It just touched my heart and I don’t know why Ryan is so worked up over it.  *cringe*.
Then on like on the 5th (I think it was that Monday) he came to billiards to hang out with me and I got drunk.  It was the first time drinking in like 5 weeks and I had done it to help bring revenue in for Tom’s show and I just… didn’t stop.  So I was good and buzzed and I went with Ryan and Steve to Steve’s house where I smoked marijuana and got naked with them in the hot tub and made out with Ryan.  I only remember that part and Ryan being like, “you’re all over my mouth” so now I’m embarrassed and that’s what upsets me.  So I didn’t talk to him till Thursday… that’s when I went to Bob’s Christmas tree karaoke party in the Boynton Mall parking lot.  Rita, he was all over me!  He would come up behind me and put his arms around me and kiss my neck, smile at me and just look at me from a distance.  Then Forrest (he’s only 16) put his arm around me and Ryan’s like, “Forrest, why do you have your arm around my girl?”  I was like (in my head) “since when?” It’s possible he was kidding and I’m overthinking things as usual, but he seemed serious!  But then he ruined everything at the end of the night.  I gave him two hugs.  After the end of the 2nd hug (which was more like ½ a hug) he says in front of everybody, “What?  Do you want a kiss or something? You’re all over me.”  So he kisses my cheek and then starts laughing with his buddy talking about how I was all over him.  I was so embarrassed.  He humiliated me!  I was so upset all I could think to say was, “I’m not even dealing with you right now.”  And then I left.  I think I talked to him--oh no--first I texted him that night and said “Just so you know all I wanted from you was a hug.  Not a kiss so don’t be so sure of yourself.”  And he never answered so I hope he felt stupid. Then a couple days later I text him to ask a question about the pig roast last Sunday (Jessica said he wasn’t very nice to her).  So I sent him a text joking around and he answers the next night saying to tell her sorry.  I was like, “No big I’m just kidding” and he goes “oh” so I said “yeah, so relax.”  And he says “I’m relaxed, bro.”  --insert WTF face here-- I go, “bro???” then “do I look like your bro?  let’s just stick with lady k?  back to work now.  ttyl.”  and that’s the last--wait no.  I sent out a mass text asking for addresses so I can send out thank you cards for my b-day gifts.  He says “no you don’t.”  And I said “yes, I do.”  But 20 minutes went by and I said, “fine.  I’ll get it off facebook.”  So Wednesday morning he says… well, he gave me the address anyway.  Lol.  Last night I said hi to him and then said “oops that message was meant for someone else.  sorry.”  Yeah, I know.  Dumb game.  I suck.  But today I had a legitimate question.  So I said: “Can I ask you a question, Ryan?  And I’m asking you BEFORE I get mad.  and I won’t even be mad if it’s true, I’m just curious… I’m sure you’re asleep so we can talk about it another time, I just figured I’d ask.”  So when he answers and we talk about it, I’ll tell you everything.


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