Friday, July 25, 2014

march 6th, 2012

March 6th, 2012

"young girl, don't cry, I'll be right here when your world starts to fall..."
For some reason that song just popped into my head :). So anyway, I know I said I'd write in here every day but absolutely nothing of consequence happened, until last night.  Larry invited me to hang out with him at this bowling alley that's right by my house, so we hung out for a while until it was time for me to go home (I had to get my dad something to eat because my mom was going to be late).  So, he walked me to my car.  I knew the kiss was coming because we had talked about it and we both decided it would happen the next time we saw each other.  But then things started to escalate a little bit.  It wasn't bad or anything like that, just turned into a little bit more than just a kiss lol.  I'm not trying to get a new man like tomorrow or anything but I think he will be a keeper :).  My heart is still majorly guarded though.

It was weird kissing him at first because I had enjoyed kissing Barry so much.  He wasn't bad or anything, just different.  After a while thought I almost forgot where I was except it was insanely cold out so we were both shivering.  That and it was a parking lot so even though there was no one there at the time, there very well could have been.

Meh I am so exhausted.  I didn't sleep one bit last night.



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