Friday, July 25, 2014

January 25th, 2012

January 25th, 2012

hey Chels,
Haha now I'm starting to feel like you--trying to write and having all these distractions.  But now is pretty good to write :).  So anyhow... Barry and I made plans to hang out on Sunday but I didn't know if that would actually happen so I didn't say anything to anyone until it actually happened.  He wasn't feeling well so I was worried that he was going to bail on me but he didn't.  We didn't do much, just snuggled all night.  I can't remember the last time we snuggled for longer than 5 minutes much less all night. I tried to give him room so he could move around if he wanted but all he wanted was me :).  Then Monday morning he made us some breakfast and I had to go home but he wanted to try again.  He sent me this funny text saying he didn't suddenly turn gay, he was just having stomach issues.  Because I was thinking that it was weird that we hadn't had sex in over a month and all he wanted to do was snuggle.  But then I thought that it was nice that we actually got to just be together and have quality time and I was finally seeing him outside of driving him to work/watching him work.  I was even beginning to feel like we were drifting apart.

So... he asked me if I wanted to go to the office with him because Chris was sick and there was no place he could go to.  But then he couldn't find the keys.  I said something about just coming back from my house but I meant ME going over to his house from my house but he misinterpreted it to mean that we both come back to his house from my house (sorry, this is confusing).  To be honest though, it got him to actually set foot in my house so I didn't really care.  I have been trying for MONTHS to get him to hang out at my house but nothing ever came of it.  The only other time he even saw my house was when he came by to give me a copy of his apartment key so I could walk his dog while he worked on a work emergency.

I was a little unclear of what was going on at first so I asked, "which way are we going?" and he said, "I don't know, but we're going to your house."  I was thinking that I should have warned my mom but it all happened so fast that I didn't get a chance to so she had to scramble to put her robe on.  I could tell she was a little flustered but she wasn't pissed.  We all talked for a bit and then I took him to my room.  I was looking for something to watch and settled on The Office.  Barry got through half of one episode and fell asleep.  I didn't care, I just thought it was adorable that he fell asleep.  Oh, also I should tell you that this was the first official night that I got to try out the mattress because after I came home from Charisse's party on Saturday I watched the Drew Peterson movie with my mom.

Drew Peterson is this policeman in the Chicagoland area who was married 4 times.  He had 2 divorces, his 3rd wife mysteriously drowned in a tub that had no water in it, and his 4th wife's body was never found.  He would start making up these stories of someone's infidelity and that would give him an excuse to abuse whoever he was with.  Rob Lowe played Drew and omg... he was so creepy that at times I had to laugh to deal with it.  The things he'd say (in the movie) were so ridiculous that I had to just laugh.  Because if I didn't... it would hurt too much.

ANYWAY, I finally got Barry to sleep lengthwise.  I have to say that this bed is really comfy but I think it might be too small for 2 people unless those two people really like each other, lol.  Honestly, I do not know how I slept on this bed with Brian for over a year.  But anyway... it took me a while to fall asleep and even though I had some dreams I didn't remember any of them and woke up when Barry got up.  I do have to say though that it's a testament to how comfy my bed is -- he didn't move or toss and turn the whole night.  And this morning when I woke up my back wasn't sore and I didn't feel like I hadn't gotten any sleep.

So... he said he should go home (it was a little after 8am) but I could come with him for more snuggles.  So we left and got to his house and immediately got back into bed and fell asleep.  I kept waking up when people would call (that's why we had to leave my house), but he didn't actually get UP up till after 12pm.  I was going to leave because I didn't know how long he was going to take but he ended up asking if I'd grab a couple of pizzas from Little Ceaser's.  So I did that and apparently when he said he wanted the pepperoni and sausage, I thought he meant together on the same pizza but he meant 2 different pizzas so Chris could have some too.  What ended up happening was I got one fresh one and one hot-n-ready and the fresh one came out way better.

I ended up having a nice conversation with Chris, who said that he stopped doing a lot of drugs (namely heroin, crack, pot, and pills) once he realized that he wasn't going to die young.  I'm not sure how much I believe that he's really stopped but I have noticed that he hasn't really been stoned much for a while.  I can't say I know exactly when that happened because I haven't been around that much in the past month or so but he seems to be remembering me more.  The first few times we met he was ALWAYS high.  But... for now it seems like he might actually be doing something positive with his life, which is great.

So... after a while, Chris left to go for a walk so Barry and I could be alone or whatever.  We finally got to have sex!  Lol.  Honestly it was really nice to be able to be with him but at the same time there were too many distractions, including a phone call that ended up being Sarah of all people.  After a while I was getting sore (my legs were getting tired) and he had to pee so we stopped.  We didn't get dressed right away, just laid there and held each other and he asked if I felt better and I said, "yes," and he said, "me too."  I said that it was a start in making up for that month when the only time we saw each other was when he was working.  I told him he was lucky to have a girlfriend who understands that and he said, "yes I am."  We snuggled for a little bit longer and then put our clothes on and finally around 4pm I left.

I came home and studied for the rest of the night and today all I did was study.  But I liked how I did it today and I think I'm gonna follow that until I feel like I'm done :).  Then the REAL FUN begins.

Phew, I finally got to write my shit out!  Tomorrow I will put stuff in here to finish up loose ends with some stuff before I start writing again.



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