Thursday, July 10, 2014

6/16/12 and 6/19/12

Tomorrow is Brian and I’s 3 month anniversary.

Happy Tuesday.  Man, I have a lot to do in this thing.  I need to really finish up what I already had planned for it, put it in and THEN decide how to finish it.  I want to not take so long in the next one.  I have a couple ideas for that.  I want to get this done before my LA trip because half that NB will be all LA (pix, etc etc), and Brian, and Idk for the other half.  We’ll see.
So, in this one, I have my stories to do, writing, and then after I get those going and done (I’ll work on that all day) then I’ll think of new ideas.
Right now, I’m waiting for the cake to cool so I can decorate it.  Then I’ll write while I watch the soap opera, go upstairs and put Spiderman on while I work on my stories.  If I get enough NBS done today, I’ll clean my room tomorrow, and work on this more after and on Friday.  I had 4 days off this week.  First, Daniel told me I had over 30 hours and only 2 days off.  That was pretty nice.  Then, I looked at my schedule and they’d cut me down to 18 hours.  I had only Sunday, Thursday, and Saturday.  That sucked but it was whatever.  Well then yesterday Daniel calls me and says they had to cut 92 hours out and that included everyone so now I only have 14 hours.  I still work the same days just less hours.  I was disappointed at first but not pissed because Daniel told me everyone, including himself, got cut.  But later come to find out he lied.  The only people who were cut were Randi (the new chick) and Jennifer (sort of new chick that no one likes) and myself.  I mean WTF.  Don’t lie to me about it.  It’s probably cuz I suck at getting buzz clubs!  But you know what?  They shouldn’t even be a requirement.  Most of our customers (a strong 90%) already have buzz clubs.  5% are old and don’t have e-mails much less internet.  The last 5% are people I have to schmooze and usually they can’t be schmoozed because 10 purchases of $20 or more and the 11th purchase is 20% off doesn’t sound appealing.  People want instant gratification.  The other problem is that they give the option to sign up online.  The sucky part is, the customer doesn’t get a loyalty number and they have to come back and get one in store.  So we give them a loyalty number but we still do not get credit.  Wtf.  I feel like it’s all based off luck.  I pitch the same way Stephanie does, but I get no luck and she’s buzz club queen.  I really just am sick of retail.  If I could get my license, I could save for a car, and get a better job.  This week I had the time but not the $.  I had to give my dad my paycheck.  It’s just always something, you know?  But it’s okay.  I’ll get there.  hehe.  Just gonna keep on keeping on and be patient!  Discouragement only weighs me down!  I can be positive!
So my honey cut all his hair off yesterday.  It looks really good and I’m happy to see his gorgeous face.  (he shaved, too).  I love that man so much.  Even when I question things.  I think that’s normal, though.

So, July 8th, 9th, and 10th my honey and I are heading to Universal Studios/Islands of Adventure for his birthday.  I am so fucking excited.  It’s going to be a blast.  Then for the rest of July and August I’m going to try to get my license and save for Cali.  I can’t believe I get to go to L.A. finally.  I also can’t believe I’m going to meet Brian’s friends.  His friend is marrying Chelse (no a!) Swain.  She was in a few movies (one being Virgin Suicides).  Cool huh?  Maybe she’ll see my talent and get me roles LOL!  I’m kidding but only kind of.  So, Days is almost over.  I haven’t really watched it, but I finished the cake.  It kind of fell apart but oh well.  I can’t wait to have some.  Ok, the soap opera is over.  I think I’ll go up and work on the story stuff and put Spidey on.


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