Friday, July 25, 2014

January 26th, 2012

January 26th, 2012

Hey Chels,
I know, I know.  I didn't get a chance to do ANY nbs today :(.  My dad got sick and inbetween that and studying, I didn't get much else done. Apparently my dad had a huge headache and he took some meds and my mom gave him another dose of it so it made him sick.  He threw up on and off for a while but he's doing a lot better now.  I could tell it wasn't an emergency because there wasn't the same urgency and panic in his face and his barfing was pretty much controlled for the most part.  My mom was all set for me to take him to the hospital so I did my best to calm both my parents down.  I did manage to do 2/3 tests of the day, which means I have to do 4 tomorrow to catch up.  No fun :(.  But I am almost finished!  And I have a whole half a year of podcasts to listen to and I am READY to do this already.

I am going to do something fun with the final questions.  Instead of trying to go in order and writing the same ones out over and over again, I'm going to eliminate the repeats and make one huge final out of all 3 simulation final exams.  Then I'm going to make flash cards for them in addition to making a recording.  So in a couple months I should know every question these people are prepared to throw at me.

Ugh.  I have more good news/bad news. On the one hand, Barry landed Dr Tahir as an exclusive client, which is very good news.  On the other hand, some chinese guy decided to hack into the phone system at the business he shares with George (for another week or so) so George decided that Barry owes him $25,000 because HE did the work.  But... he and George are only partners in spoken consent, not on paper. So there's nothing contractual holding him completely responsible.  I asked Barry if George could do that and he said, "no, but he could use it as an excuse to cheat me out of my paycheck."  As far as I'm concerned, Barry has been getting cheated out of his paychecks for a while now, constantly being at the mercy of someone who doesn't give a shit if Barry has a roof over his head or can pay his bills.  Dealing with this one client by himself, he won't have to deal with that anymore.  And besides, it costs money to take someone to court, money I'm sure George doesn't want to spend, and even if he was successful, what does Barry have that George even wants?  Does he think that he has $25,000 extra dollars just lying around somewhere?

I will let you know what happens as I find out.  I highly doubt anything will come out of it, but I still want to hear about the SHIT FIT George will throw once he realizes what just happened to his company.


*rest of tarot reading*
4) Card four: devotion/nature spirits
The presence of God is everywhere, so if you feel disconnected from the Divine, you're the one who left.  Your nature spirits are beckoning you back to a place of awareness that reconnects you to your source.  Do not allow your mind to isolate you in fear or get stuck dwelling on misery.  Instead, go outside and take in the natural world--which is a beautiful gift for you to enjoy.  See the Divine all around you.  Focus on the beauty, power, and holiness that nature affirms.  Humbly surrender to this greatest of forces present in all things, including you.  Your Nature Spirit's message: "Breathe in the Divine.  You are in God, and God is in you."
5) Life force/Aphrodite
Your sexuality is awake and on fire, and your lustier appetities are in search of satisfaction.  You're attractive, seductive, and powerful, and a "green light" of availability to a sexual partner is flashing.  This is what makes the world go 'round, and nothing is more intruiging and exciting than your life force asserting itself.  The key to enjoying this fiery essense is containment. You must control and direct your life-force energy rather than allow it to control and overwhelm you.  Otherwise, you can become mindlessly addicted to your senses, which can be debilitating and enslaving.
Delight in your sensual self, but be discriminating about where it leads you.  Use your judgement.  Raw life force is best partnered with reason and the greater force of love to bring you to the heightened state of ecstasy you seek.  Trust the sensual goddess Aphrodite as she unleashes your passions, but respect her as well.  Her message for you: "Use your fiery passions creatively, not destructively."
There is another factor that can complicate this process for the vampire.  The smell of each human is different, and humans can smell more appetizing than is usual to vampires.  The more appealing any human scent and taste is to a vampire, the more difficult it will be for that vampire to bite the human and still leave him alive.  Infrequently, a specific human will smell nearly irresistable to a specific vampire.  That human is known as a singer among vampires, because his or her blood sings for the vampire in question.  Singers are individual phenomena; a person whose blood sings for one vampire will not have the same effect on all vampires.  While there are some humans whose scents are more appealing to vampires in general, that appeal does not reach the level of a singer.  Singers are considered by most vampires to be a great find, the drinking of whose blood is an experience to be savored.

Vampire history:
The oldest known vampire history is that of the Romanian coven, named for the location in which they originated, which would later be known as Romania, the most powerful coven during the time before 400 A.D. Their power resulted from their numbers; the Romanians were the first to expand their single coven beyond the normal two or three vampires.  They had to cooperate in a way unusual to vampires to accomplish this, but their self control extended only to their fellow vampires.  The Romanian coven made no secret of its existence and both preyed on and enslaved humans indiscriminately.  The Romanians were overthrown by the Volturi coven between 400 and 500 A.D.
The Volturi coven originated in Greece during the Mycenaen era.  It began with the three original members--Aro, Caius, and Marcus.  And then grew to be core of six as the members found romantic partners: Sulpicia, Athenodora, and Didyme.  Ambition was their bonding element, much the same as with the Romanians.  The Volturi actively recruited gifted humans into their coven. Eventually, using the basic argument that vampires should conform to simple laws of mutual convenience, the Volturi launched a successful war against the Romanians, who would not conform to these laws.  The Volturi hunted the Romanians until there were only two survivors of the original coven--Stefan and Vladimir. The Volturi preserved ruling status over the years through coven strength and a policy of general noninterference.  The Volturi coven is both the largest and easily the most talented group of vampires of the world, a reason to unite against them.  For this reason, the Volturi do not get involved with other vampires frequently, and act against other covens only when there is a complaint that could negatively affect other vampires.
Consequently, they are commonly percieved by vampirekind as a positive force.  There are very few vampires alive who predate the Volturi. Most have been born into a world where the law is constructed by the Volturi are an accepted fact of life. This protects the Volturi from the realization that their laws are merely an excuse to exert control over the vampire world. .... (to be continued)

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