Wednesday, July 16, 2014

December 7th, 2011

"Reaction to sunlight:
In direct sunlight, the disparity between human and vampire becomes more obvious.  The cellular membrane of the vampire is not as soft or permeable as in a human cell; it has crystalline properties that cause the surface of vampire skin to react prismatically, giving the vampire a glitter-like shimmer in sunlight.

The common factor of beauty among vampires is mostly due to this crystalline skin.  The perfect smoothness, gloss, and even color of the skin give the illusion of a flawless face.  The skin reacts differently to light, creating an angular effect that heightens the perception of beauty.  Additionally, the stonelike firmness of the vampire body creates a look similar to muscle, making any size human appear more fit as a vampire."
Hey Chels,
Omg what a day.  I'm just glad it's almost over, but not looking forward to tomorrow.  My dad has a CT scan.  I just want 1 day of peace where I don't have to take care of my dad or worry about anything.  I try to do that as much as I can every day but I hate getting interrupted or my dad needs something or WHATEVER!  Meh.  So... I decided that I'm not gonna do the whole old pictures thing.  It's just too much for me.  But... i had this idea back from over a year ago that I would like to try again.  I called it my "facebook scrapbook."  I took pictures from all my friends' facebook pages and decided I was going to do this for a whole year but the book I got was too small so the project never got done.  Well, I am bringing it back for this notebook! Every month (just once a month so I can save up for it), I'm gonna look through my friends' facebook pictures and pick my favorite ones, but the pics have to be from that month.  All my favorite pics that *I* took will be in the last chapter, along with my poems.  I have been trying to write in PTG every night or few nights so I will have a bunch saved up for when the time gets here.  

So... I had an interesting morning this morning.  Apparently Barry has a very interesting talk with Korey last night.  Korey had an interview at the business Barry works for, but George was asking him if he knew anything about the things Barry was working on.  Basically George was looking to replace Barry with Korey.  I couldn't believe it.  After Barry didn't take that job back in August, it seems like George was just going to try and replace him anyway.  It sounds bad but I'm secretly glad this is going on because maybe it will give Barry the incentive to leave Dan and George behind and I know for a fact that he will be a LOT happier without those two breathing down his neck and yelling at him and causing stress.  I am 100% sure that the majority of Barry's health problems have been from too much stress and not being able to get proper rest.  If he was getting that I'm sure his body would recover.  So... his plan for the new year is to set that in motion, get everything straight so he can go off on his own.

Basically, I am for anything that involves him being happy and not under so much stress.

okay so... today was my last day with that Twilight book.  And starting tomorrow I have 5 days to get the last nb ready so it can get published for free.  So on the 13th I can go back to studying and I'll have exactly 1 month to get everything off the website that I can.  Then I'm going to send in my application by Feb 1st.  When I hear back from them I'll have an additional 90 days to study, which of course I will.  So, maybe by this time next year I will finally be a LMT, which is all I have ever wanted.  I feel like it's one of those dreams that is just one of things that's always talked about but nothing ever happens.  I also feel like there's a whole other life out there that i could be living once I pass this test.  And sure, the only state it's currently NOT accepted in is IL.  Lol.  Well, I will still have a job anyhow.  

So... yeah.  I'm sorry about this afternoon.  It's just that like... I don't get why you like Ryan.  Ugh that's not what i meant to say.  I just don't think you see the reality of what is going on and I fear that it will end up just like David.  I know that is something you probably don't want to hear.  But it's how I feel.  
If he made an effort to change and get better then fine.  But I feel like he's really stuck and is going to bring you down with him if you continue to let him get away with this bullshit.  If the situation was reversed and I was in this situation I know for a fact that you would be saying the same things.  But only because you love me and want me to be happy.

I'm gonna relax now, then maybe do some yoga.



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