Saturday, July 5, 2014



Hey Chels,
Lol, I guess I was done writing.  Don't really have much to say here, just wanted to see where I left off so I can continue on.  I love you!  And can't wait to finally send this out.  Won't be long now!



Hey Chels,
Man, I am so tired but so happy!  The painting was really fun and I had a blast.  Maybe I will actually get to see these girls more than in the summertime.  I feel like I miss so much because I live far away but I love driving.  I am going to get a frame for my picture and add a photo of all of us together.  I want to hang that and the picture I have of Kurt Cobain on my walls, and FINALLY put up the posters I have.  Ugh, I HATE these stupid white walls.
Anywho, so, I haven't had the chance to write in here since Monday.  Tuesday was.... Eventful.  Apparently he spent most of the night at the hospital due to "dehydration and other random crap" but I guess by the time I had woken up and everything (it was like 9:30am) he had already been home.  Then I went to Crest Hill to massage Jim.  After THAT I got home and I had about an hour to kill before taking my dad to the doctor so I started on the drawing I wanted to do for the next nb (volume 10! Wow!) I got my dad up and ready and he was just driving me nuts.  I know he's brain damaged but yesterday he was acting like a 5 year old.
Whining about everything, asking the same questions over and over, and just being a pain in my tush.  So, after the doctor we had to get a prescription filled so I went to the gas station on route 19 (this was on the same road, one town over).  While at the gas station, who should show up but Barry.  He looked all kinds of out of it.  I paid for my gas and gave him a kiss and then he just sort of walked away -- it was weird.  The whole time he lives 2 minutes away from me and the first time we EVER run into each other was yesterday when I had to take care of my dad  and oh I just realized it has been exactly 1 year since I met that Terry guy.  I have always wanted to go back there and see if he was there but it just never worked out.  It got too cold, then gas prices got too high, then I got busy with other stuff.  I still feel like he was a nice guy but he didn't ask for my number or anything so, it's not my fault lol.

Anywho, it is really fucking late so I am gonna get to getting.  I love you!

Rita (Rita bo Bita, bananfannafofita?.) <~~~ hehe
Oh and one more thing.  I don't think I'm being "clever" or "funny" with Jessica's wall posts.  Yeah, I guess I can see her point but she has to realize that a lot of the stuff she writes just makes her sound ignorant.  Like that whole message she wrote on her Ipad2.  I felt like asking her, "so that's why you haven't paid Chelsea anything for letting you stay there?  Cuz your $600 toy comes first?"  But, that would have been wrong.  Plus, not every mistake was because of the Ipad.  At one point she wrote "me" instead of "you".  How is that an autocorrect error?  I'm sorry but if you're gonna post things on face book, at least make sure it makes sense.  Even if all the words are backwards.  And if you want it to be private, well, they do have that feature somewhere.  Ugh.  Whatever.  She's your friend, not mine.  I'm sure the things she writes make sense to YOU, and that's really what should matter.  And it's not like I make it my life's mission to comment on EVERYTHING she says, I call everyone out when I see something I don't get.  But never in a mean way.  And people do it to me, too.  That's why I don't write everything that comes to my mind -- I might think it's cute but will the whole world?  I'm not too sure.  Anyway my whole point was that if she's gonna be jumping down my throat instead of just handling the situation maturely then maybe she takes herself a little too seriously.  But this isn't YOUR problem and you can be friends with her until you're old and gray if that's what your heart desires, lol.  Okay, now I go to sleep.


October 20th, 2011

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