Saturday, September 7, 2013

September 16th, 2007


Damn we were in the middle of talking and battery died. Then you wouldn't answer your phone.  I hope you're not mad at me. But you probably just don't have the phone close by, or you don't feel chatty--it's okay.  Fuck, I can't stop coughing.  I'm gonna die I think.
Sigh.  Well, I'm really worried about you.  But, I think you need head clearing time so I'll write in here but I probably won't like, call you or Im you or anything.  I figure if you need me, you'll let me know.  But sometimes being a friend means stepping back and giving the other person time.

D is driving me crazy playing the same song over and over.  Now he's looking over my shoulder.  That's so annoying.  I deserve to have stuff private.  Sigh.
I sigh a lot.  Jesus it's not even 10:30 and I'm sleepy.  I hate that.  And tomorrow I have major cleaning to do.  OMG this song.  D Stoooooop!  (zombie nation).  Ok, this is like the 20th time, now he's doing one of his little mixes.  Ugh.
I bitch a lot.  My bad.  Let's see 5 things I am grateful for right now:
--D loving music
--my own place
--our friendship
--having thyroid rx finally
--movies (?)

Boo, I don't know.  My husband is such a fucker!  Geeze. No, not really.  I lub him berry much.  But sometimes I just want to strangle him to death!

He was so happy to hear me admit to being jealous of that J girl in Ohio.  He says it means I care about him. Well duh! Of course I care about him.  But why do I have to be jealous of other girls for him to know I care?  I'm not usually jealous and it bothers him.  Because of S he's too jealous! And it drives me nuts. Lol.
When I left TDN, this girl J started working there. And she wasn't really attractive at all.  (She looks like Harry Potter).  I guess she was getting a divorce, and when I left Ohio, she and D became friends.  I think she tried to play the damsel in distress card so she and D would become more than friends.  I never trusted her, and now I know why.
J tells me she's basically a bar whore. Not only that but she's either tried to or has slept with every guy at TDN.
She's the one who gave D $100.00 to get down here but I always wondered if there was ulterior motives behind it all.  I dunno why I'm writing about this lol.  Sorry <3

I wonder who Ellen will have on the show tomorrow... someone good I hope!

Damn I know my family sucks and all for stuff but I'm depressed that they won't be here for my birthday or Christmas this year.  I think Thanksgiving/b'day/Christmas will be lonely for me this year.  I know I have D but still.

I donno maybe not.

Oh my foot fell asleep.  I hate that, cuz I wake it up and for like 20 seconds it's okay, and then that "I'm asleep pain" kicks in.  Mean foot!

Man, I dunno what to get D and S for a wedding gift and I have nothing to wear. Fuck.  I just realized this.  Grrrr.

Crap!  Did I startle you?

WTF all of a sudden D is in cleaning mode?  I'm confused.  I wanted movie/popcorn time with him.  =(.

Well, I'm done rambling for now.  Much <3


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