Thursday, September 12, 2013

October 22nd, 2007

Mon Oct 22nd, 2007
Ugh!  D took today off so he could take me to jury duty and now they put me on standby for tomorrow.  Hello people, I have no car or license for this crap.  Bah.  And it's an automated service.  I can't talk to anyone.  Assholes.

I feel like I haven't written in here for years. Lol.

I was so pissed off by T that I faked sick and called out Sunday which was stupid.  Cause I'd have been working w/ D.  Oh well.  T just got 3 extra hours which wasn't fair to me and then she didn't help close which was so rude.

I don't think my dad had a stroke.  But I wish I knew what happened to him when he couldn't talk.  It was weird cuz when I got to R's party, I started to talk to my dad and he had trouble understanding me. He told me he wasn't feeling 100% but I thought he was mad at me about something.  So I asked my mom and she told me what had happened earlier.  Then, she asked me to go home w/ her so I could keep an eye on him while she massaged someone.  So when we got in the car, he had a really droopy face--which his face droops anyway, but this was BAD.  So my mom just told him she was taking dad to the hospital.

Blah.  Today he's having tests and then if those results are ok, he can go home.

Man, I'm hungry.  D is worrying me, he didn't eat dinner last night cuz he wasn't hungry but it's almost 11am and he still isn't hungry.  WTF.

Well, I'll write again when I have something to write.

well, as of 2:15pm, we now have cable and internet.  Actually, it's kind of like having satellite tv/direcTV.  Woot!

I'm 2 days late on my period.  Uh oh.  we'll see what happens!

I need to go see my dad, so in a few minutes, we'll be leaving to do that and send my little angel some $$.

In the meantime you want me to ask you questions about life.  So.  Here it goes:
1. In 10 years, what do you think the world will be like?  What about 20 years from now?  And 50 years?

2.  Dr Phil has agreed to let you come to his show, all expenses paid.  What is the show about?  Why are you on there speaking?

3.  You win the lottery, what do you do w/ all that money?

4.  Let's say you have a set of twins one pregnancy, and sextuplets the next pregnancy.  Would you treat the twins and sextuplets differently?  (I'll explain this question next time I get the notebook).

5.  You're hosting a huge Christmas party, who do you hire as the celebrity chef and why?

6.  If a man held a gun to your head (ok, or a woman) and told you that you had to give them your most valued object/possession or you'd die, what would you give them?

7.  To end a vendetta and save your family from pain, you have to marry someone you don't love.  What do you do  (yes, this is from Dool).

8.  You have to move on a deserted place and can take one thing only.  What is it?

9.  If you lost the love of your life to war, how long would you want to move on?

10.  If you could name one song as your theme song for your entire life, what would it be?

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