Tuesday, September 10, 2013

October 8th, 2007

Oct 8th, 2007

Good morning.  Today I have to be at work at 3:50, I have to get ready soon and that sucks.  Wow Ellen can be mean sometimes.  Lol.  She called someone a poor sport that played her game "are you smarter than someone in the 5th row?"  The girl turned around and look at Ellen, so Ellen was like "I'm just kidding!"  Lol.

So, I guess S lost her baby and now she has ovarian cancer as well as the leg cancer.  But D thinks they're lying because M (S's dad) had no idea, or something like that.  Who knows?  So, I don't think I'll get to 93 pages this time or even 55 only because I don't want to ramble.  I want things to talk about like you!  I know you don't really care if I ramble, but still.  Hey, since it's noonish now, I'm going to make me a salad and get ready to go to work.  Love you.  I'll be back by 1:00!

Ahhhh nice green salad with green bell peppers, chicken, oranges, cranberries (dried) and sunflower seeds!  And it runs right through me.  =(.  Oh, I had chicken in that salad also!  Lol.  Still, my body digested that a little too quickly.  Being on Thyroid medication does that.  It speeds up my metabolism/digestive process.  Blah!
I'm trying to think of a story to tell you.  *sigh* In the meantime, I'm going to tell you about work on Saturday.  First, when I woke up on Saturday it was like 1:30 because D and I went to bed at like 5:30am because we watched movies.
When I woke up, I was in excruciating pain.  My right him was THROBBING and it hurt all week, but Saturday took the cake.  When I went into work, (which I almost called off because I almost went to the hospital and I only had a 3 hour shift anyway) I was telling T and M (Elizabeth Arden) and T told me she gave M some darvacets and so M gave me 2 of those.  T started freaking out though because she was worried that she did an immoral thing by giving coworkers "drugs" and karma was going to come back and get her, etc.  She's crazy! hello, she did a good thing by helping us ease the pain.  I didn't take it till I got home though.  It didn't even really work for me though.  So, I hope karma won't get her (T) cause she was being helpful. I'm trying to like her, can you tell?  Lol.  Ugh, I have to leave in an hour and I don't want to.  I don't mind walking, but I don't have an umbrella if it rains, and not to cool me off if it's too hot!  *sigh* oh well.

I know this is TMI but why would my bowels turn the water orange in the toilet, and why would they be mucousy?  Ewww. Why do I have weird bodily issues?  Ok, I have to get ready.  When I get back, I'll tell you a story if I can think of one.  Hmmmm.
--go cart story
--the first and only time R ever stuck up for me--nevermind you know that one!
--Karate stories

Love always,
Waaaaaah!  I don't wanna goooooooo!  Maybe I'll work with Dee!  Ooooh Billie was on Days today for 15 seconds!  Make that a total of 1 minute for Billie woo!

So I have 15 minutes to tell you the go cart story.... I don't remember how old I was probably like 10 or 11.  But for Christmas, my dad got me a go cart.  I remember sneaking downstairs before waking everyone up.  I saw the go cart up against a wall but I figured that it was for my brother. It turned out to be mine though and I don't even remember what else I got that year lol.  The go cart was black and it had a red number on it but I don't remember what number it was. And now I have to go to work. I'll finish later.  Love you lots!  <3
Oct 8th, 2007

Hey girl!
Man my feet hurt.  The shoes I wear are mean, mean, mean!  And I have ingrown toenails so... owie.  Anyway, I got M her birthday gift cause I'm going to her party on Wednesday.  I really spent too much on her, but I didn't know what else to get her so I hope she likes the eyeshadow and lip glosses.  *sigh* I'm a good friend.  Lol.
So, speaking of parties, D said in order to have a bonfire at the beach, we have to have a permit.  But I guess he can get one.  K, well he turned the light off and I can't see to write very well so more later.

<3, me

I'm sleepy!  So I'm going to watch the news and go to sleep.
Love you!

Love always,

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