Monday, September 2, 2013

long entry


God, it took me forever to write again.  Lol.  Sorry.  So... I graduated school today.  Woo!  Yes!  It's nice to have accomplished something.  I'm so proud of myself.  My handwriting sucks lately.

Well, I'm going to work at Gianna Christine in City Place I think.  My friend A is getting me the job, cuz she knows the new owner.  So then, on the side, I'm going to do facials and makeup.  My mom mentioned getting me backdrops and cameras to start my own portfolio.  I'm so excited Lol.  woo hoo!  I got 3 new makeup books.  VERY informative.  So I'm excited.  Lol.  So let's see, drama drama drama.

Last Thursday I went and hung out with A and we were supposed to go see this guy she's been seeing.  I'm sure you read this in my livejournal.  To make a long story short, he was drunk, high, and passed out.  What is wrong with people?  She's still seeing him too!  *sigh*

Oh, then last night, D's friend R calls his phone.  (D was out with C and left his phone here) so anyway, I answered R's call.  And he sounded upset.  So then he tells me he shot and killed his brother over a bag of weed.
So, long story short--I heard wrong, Lol.  His brother lives in South America, and he went to go buy weed but cops were doing a drug raid and in the process his brother got shot and killed.  It's sooooo sad!

I should be writing more sorry.  I'm always feeling like writing but then it's so convenient to go online and write in LJ.

Boo.  I'm tired.

My tooth!! :( ow.  I mean... my lack of tooth.  It's been 2 days over a week since I had it pulled and it still throbs.  Grrr.  So it's 9:30am and I'm waiting for M Go to call.  She's count Exec of Estee Lauder and I have a phone interview with her this morning.  T knows this and calls anyway.  I didn't pick up.  Lol.
I'm so nervous.  Ack I hope this goes well.  *crosses fingers*
I'm so crampy too.  *sniff* It's making me sick.  Plus my throbbing wisdom tooth... yea, not a good mix.  I took 2 advil and a pamprin.  I'm going to heat up and herbal moist heating back, lay down and prob go back to sleep if I don't throw up.  Of course, all this after M Go calls.  What a name.  She's such a spunky sounding woman.
Why do I always feel like crap?  Oh, there's the phone call BRB!

Ok, so I stumbled a little n she was hard to hear but I still think it went well.  So hopefully Dillard's will call and offer me a job.

T called and wants me to go around w/ her and sit in a car with R while she tries to pick up insurance clients for Aflack.  So I'm doing that hoping to God I'll feel better.  I'm such a sucker, lol.  Well, I'm bored so I think I'll write you a 100 or more questionnaire to answer.

[questions and other nbs I didn't feel like typing out, lol.]

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