Monday, September 9, 2013

October 7th, 2007

Oct 7 2007

Well, I am in a really bad mood because people really pissed me of at work (last night).  First, this woman bought some stuff and her gift card wouldn't work so V gave her another one.  Well, while V was transferring the nonworking gift card to a new one, the lady wanted to see a fragrance at the fragrance counter and since no one else was there, I had to help her over there.  Which I wouldn't have minded, but I guess while I was helping her, V tried to call me.  So she starts to yell at me for not answering the phone, and I was like "I wasn't here, the customer wanted me to help her at the fragrance counter" so V didn't say anything but she just acted really pissy.  THEN, I asked B (the same person who tried to get me in trouble for not being at my counter while I was helping people).  I asked B if I need to count down Elizabeth Arden and she said no.  So, when closing time came I went to Elizabeth Arden to get it all together, NOT count it down, to help B and she comes over and starts yelling at me saying she got it all, and I apologized and tried to explain and she was just being so mean to me.  So I finally said, "you know what?  I was just being nice, you don't have to be so rude!"  She was like, "AND YOU DON'T HAVE TO SAY THAT!" So I kept walking, and tried not to cry (cause I cry when I'm really pissed off).  Then as we were about to walk out and go home, I was talking to my friend S, and B grabs me and says, "Thank you, but I already told you I took care of it" and I said "I don't want to talk about it anymore" and she got all pissed off again.  Old hag.  I FUCKING HATE MY JOB!  Why does everyone have to be such a cunt?  Damn.

Blah. So, now I don't think I'll be able to get any time off work until November 30th (well, as far as Requested days off) and that was for my birthday so if you want to have your own thing and not the joint thing, it's okay or we can figure something out but I pretty much work every Fri+Sat+Sun until March.  (unless I get a diff job.) I still can't believe I only worked a 3 hour shift last night.  *sigh*

20 days until your birthday!  One day less than 3 weeks.  Sweet.  That means 48 days until my birthday.  No, wait.  52 days.  Damn that sucks.  52 days is so LONG!  I want Roxy perfume from Dillards, Evil monkey stuff (family guy) Greatest Nickleback hits (ooh and Aerosmith greatest hits!) and I donno I have to think about this.  Lol.

I'm going shopping now!  <3 you!

Oct 7th (still)

Hey Babe!
Well D's mom and her boyfriend are coming over for dinner.  So I cleaned a little and lit my new yankee candles.  I'm watching "Dreamgirls" but so far I don't really like it :/.

So, that girl J sounded like a nutcase.  I had friends like that who'd stop talking to me for like no reason, then when it was convenient for her, she talk to me again.  Crazy bitches!  Women suck fo' shizzle!

I haven't heard from A at all.  I guess she probably figures I don't wanna be friends with her two-faced backstabbing skanky self.  Woo!  Lol.  Well I guess Dreamgirls isn't so bad.  Wow Jennifer Hudson gave me goosebumps.  Ow.  Ugh, I have nothing to write about.

I love you!

<3 always,
Oct 7th, 2007

Hey!  D's mom says hi! We had a really good dinner.  Steak, stuffed clams, home fries... and for dessert, D made some ice creamy thing with strawberries, raspberries, whip cream and a pirouette cookie!
Well, I'll write more later and I'm goin' on the internet.

Love always,

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