Wednesday, December 3, 2014

that's a novel idea...

november 8th, 2013


Hey sweets,
How are you doing today? I have to be home because the cable guy is here (more shows gone because I haven't watched them), and then I have to take my dad to the chiropractor at 2:30pm. But... instead of being annoyed at this, I now have a reason to be happy. I can take this thing with me if I want and my writing doesn't have to be interrupted. You know... I think I'm going to start an idea notebook for the next volume. Volume 16. I already have enough material for 2 whole volumes so I figured I would just keep writing and then figure out what activities I want you to do. See... if you didn't mind typed out stuff it would take a lot less time but you deserve a real notebook. And come early next year you are going to have more notebooks than you will know what to do with. And I want to find a box for mine before typing out all of my books. I haven't decided what I'm going to do about the newsletter ones yet where I have other people's journal entries and stuff. But I am going to have to look through those and finish them finally. And then start on my own again. What I really need is more space, which is why I'm content writing in here for now. Actually, i think until I do have more space for physical books, this will have to be home. Which I don't mind because to me this is already starting to feel like home. No matter what form, you will continue getting notebooks from me. And excuse me, I just got the urge to write my story. Brb.

Well, forget that because the cable guy is here so the internet and wifi is down so I can't access my stuff yet like google drive. If you can get google drive on your computer I suggest you do that, it has spell check and word count. But anyways, about this story I'm writing...

The beginning of it was cool, there was all this stuff happening. But now it's a completely different book. I think I'm going to have to divide the book into parts. That way what happens in the beginning is happening in the present, then part two is all about the birth, then part three is back to the present. But I feel like some of the stuff I had in the beginning isn't part of the story anymore, and that's why I'm getting stuck. I need to get past that. Like... in the beginning, Molly has this friend named Ashley who she meets in preschool and the two become best friends but then Ashley's mother dies when she's 12 and her father starts abusing her. So in order for that to take place, I have to write about them moving away from Boystown and into this neighborhood, Molly's first day of school, and then I think that's when I will cut to part 3 where Ashley is in the hospital and her dad's in jail. But I have no idea how many chapters that will take. I could write forever and ever but I don't want to write a 500 page book that nobody will read. But also, I feel like each part is important to the story. I think I'm just going to write and if it takes a while, then it takes a while. I dunno... I feel like a first novel shouldn't be like a Stephen King book. But that's just how I write. And I do like my story. I can't wait for it to be done or at least close to being done by the end of this month.

Anyways, I am going to play a game now. I love you and I hope today is going well for you.


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