Monday, December 1, 2014

February 16th, 2013

February 16th, 2013

Hey Chels!
So... Looks like I will have this weekend to myself. On Thursday night, Joe went for a drink after work and I guess had a long talk with a friend of his who is involved with this pool league. Which is on Sundays. So he can't come over tomorrow. Which sucks but... What are you going to do about it? So... I just said we could hang out before he goes to work and there's always Saturdays when he doesn't have other stuff going on. It's just hard to plan things when you work from 3-11pm Monday-Friday and then you have to do everything on the weekends when one of those weekend days used to be a lazy day and now has pool.
In all honesty though, we have only been talking/sort-of seeing each other for maybe a little over a month so it's not like it's anything serious that is going to shatter my whole existence. I was going to use this weekend as a me weekend but I've already failed miserably. Partly because I am mildly obsessed with my phone and partly because I've turned it on 3 times now to see if he texted me yet. Which he hasn't. It wouldn't be so weird if he hadn't of posted a fb status saying he hated every aspect of his life. So... Maybe later I will find out what that means? I know it's not about me, it's just a very strange thing to say. That old creeping feeling of wanting to see if things are okay are trying to resurface. But I dunno if I should try and see if he will say something if I say something else or if I should give him some space and let him get back to me. He never wanted me to push him away if i was having problems with my dad, so I dunno. I'm gonna try and see what happens.

In other news, the play turned out to be fantastic. Ze was freaking out probably until the minute things got going, and I just wanted things to start. All week I was nervous and frantically practicing the dance (which I still got wrong but I didn't even care) and when it came down to it, I just did my thing and that was it. I ended up not going to the afterparty because I was so tired that I really needed to come home. I didn't even realize we were supposed to bring sleeping bags and blankets and pillows so I wasn't even prepared to stay overnight. So it was whatever, lol. A part of me wishes that I had stayed but I know people will fill me in as to what I missed, lol.

Alright so today I am going to attempt to finish some stuff that I hadn't gotten around to since last month (like finishing up your reading, book reviews, etc). I was just feeling like crap for so long after I was sick that I just got out of the habit of doing things. So... This weekend I'm going to try and get back into the habit of writing and all that fun stuff.

And Joe just answered me back, apparently he had some depression issues but he's okay now, which I don't fully believe but I'm not going to make him talk about if he doesn't want to. At least he's talking to me at all and if he feels like sharing later then fine.

Alright... Time to say ttfn. Love you!!

Rita Bo

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