Tuesday, December 2, 2014

May 5th, 2013

May 5th, 2013

Good morning!!
I can't believe it has been so long since I've written in here. I think it's been a whole week, if I'm not mistaken. Wow so... Let's see. Nothing too exciting really happened on Monday. I got my period finally on Sunday so on Monday I didn't really feel up to doing much. Tuesday I got my reading from Marie. She does ayuvedic astrology and some of the things she said were right on point, although I can barely remember any of it. Just that I should go swimming more, I have problems in relationships due to control issues, and I'm writing a book on spirituality (which I am). In the middle of the reading, my dad starts barfing. Well, he wasn't barfing so much as dry heaving. So I take care of him and then Marie and I finish up and that was Tuesday. Wednesday morning I have to drive my dad to the pain clinic. He manages to give himself another stress attack. It only lasted a little bit and they managed to give him his shot but ugh. It was just annoying more than anything.
So, after that I took him home and got some food and then went to my goddess group. That night we were doing scrying. I didn't really see anything because my eyes kept hurting. But it was such a fun night. I realized that this is the group of people I've been looking for. Remember when I used to write and say how I was actually jealous of people who had groups of friends because I never had that myself? I have finally found that group. I am just so happy to be a part of it. And nobody treats me like a baby, either.

So... Thursday was pretty interesting. I didn't do much all day besides try and sleep. For some reason this week has been a big pile of crazy with my period and not sleeping like I wanted. So... Thursday night rolls around and Larry shows up at my window. My parents didn't know he was there. As soon as he came in, my mom called that dinner was ready so I left him in there while I had dinner with my parents. I came back in my room and we started kissing, which of course lead to other things. I'm not going to go into all the details but we ended up having sex for a very long time, like a couple of hours or something. And when we were done he just climbed back out the window and that was it. It was so funny to me because I know for a fact my parents wouldn't care if he was around. But it was nice that they didn't know so he didn't have to feel weird about facing them later or leaving at a certain time as to not appear rude. So it was really the first time I was completely uninhibited and it was nice not to feel squished lol.
And now I feel like... I'm glad that it happened but I'm not frantic about what it all means and blah de dah. I'm sure that in time things will pan out. I've tried to move on, clearly that didn't work. But I'm enjoying being free, also. And let's face it, that was probably the best sex ever of my life so far. I wouldn't say it's a friend's with benefits type thing because obviously we have feelings for each other. So I think that in time things will come together and we will finally get our chance. I don't want us to be all about sex, but if that's all for right now I'm not going to worry about it. Because that's putting pressure on us and I'm really okay without that. I know how he feels about me and that's pretty much all I really care about.

So... That was Thursday. It seriously reminded me of a romance novel or something lol.

Friday was a lot of fun. I went to dinner with Angel and Ze. We were going to see a movie but we missed it so we went to Denny's (just Angel and myself) and sat and talked for a long while and I came home around midnight. Then Saturday my relatives came over and my aunt was going on about some guy she met who she actually likes. We'll see if he's a psycho or not. Then there was my writing group and today so far I haven't gotten out of bed. So... That was my week lol.


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