Wednesday, December 3, 2014

hot cocoa wrapped in tough love...

November 6th, 2013

Hey girl, what's up? I am writing this from my brand new nook! I got it yesterday (Tuesday). I haven't figured out how to incorporate this into your new notebook but considering how behind I am already, I figured I'll have time to figure everything else. I'm giving myself a month to finish this angel wings story and starting in December I'm going to start writing 5 pages a day maybe every other day so I don't kill my hand. But by the time the new year rolls around I should have a bunch of stuff for you. I'm going to send you the first 4 notebooks, volume 12,  and Angel Wings all at once.  Although it's taking me some time to get used to this thing so it might take longer. Who knows. All I know is, that's my goal.

So... I wanna talk to you about something. Keep in mind I'm not trying to yell at you. I'm just commenting. Look. I know you love Brian. Since March 2012 he has been your guy. I know you've been through a lot together, not all of it good, but he is generally a good guy and loves you. You know how you feel about him.  I also know that things can seem better when somebody else comes into the picture. You don't always mean to but you find yourself wondering what things would be like with this other person. First of all... it's 100% natural to have these types of thoughts. Everyone at some point or another meets someone and wonders about them. But you know what you have is real and you guys have been established for a long time. I feel kind of like it is history repeating itself because you were thinking about Ryan when things were bad with David. I'm not saying the situations are the same because everyone is different. But it's completely natural to have feelings like this when the person you're with is being annoying at the moment and some other guy just happens to pop in at the right moment. But, if you were meant to be with this other guy, then you'd be with him. I know Mark and I sort of jumped into things but I have not had a serious relationship since Barry and he had been alone since his wife died. Both of which ended last year. So we both had time to work out our stuff by the time we saw each other again and then stuff just happened the way it did.'re with Brian for a reason. But in the name of caution, you're playing with fire. How would you like it if brian were flirting with some girl? That kind of communication needs to be halted. You need to talk to Brian. And when I say that I mean have the same conversation. Because it sounds like you're both talking but you aren't on the same page.

I gotta wrap this up for now. I love you and I can't wait to write in here more!! I smell coffee shop trips when Mark is at work. Love you!

Rita bo bita

Nov 7th, 2013

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