Tuesday, December 2, 2014



Wow that was some break. I just got so tired of writing I had to take a break and then before you knew it, it was around this time again. So... Joe's and my conversation was good. He just told me he had a very lazy weekend and it was nice to just be on his own. I kind of knew in my head he would have no idea that what he said might have gotten some crazy reaction out of me. While I can understand why he feels the way he does, it was just the way it came across. But honestly, that's how it goes in most situations. You meet someone, hook up, and before you know it you're in a relationship with that person. Sometimes it works out and other times you get stuck with an asshole or crazy person. So I can understand him actively not making our whole relationship about sex and I appreciate it fully. So yeah.

Anyway... I cannot believe all the crazy stuff you are going through right now. I feel like I haven't talked to you in a while because you've been sick. I want you to know that I'm still writing in the nb and still working on it, also. Well, volume 12. I am really excited to finish that one. I can't wait to send things off to you. I think I'm just going to do things this way for the duration, although if I ever end up having kids I might have to print stuff out just to make things easier. But that is a ways away. If it even happens. I just hope that you will be okay. I personally think it's stress related but that's just me. But I want you to know that I'm thinking about you and praying for you.
Also, I think Geoff figured out that I'm mad at him. It was just so stupid! He asks me to hang out then blows me off for a game he could have recorded and I find out about it through Facebook. He doesn't even tell me himself until after the game already started. He couldn't have just said, "oh yeah btw I can't hang out tonight I have a game to watch"? Nope. Kinda stupid.

Well, I'm gonna go for now. I love you and I hope you can get some relief from this pain very soon. Lymtl!!

Rita Bo bita

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