Wednesday, December 3, 2014

nobody likes the silent treatment...

September 29th, 2013

Hey Chels,
Well... It's been 9 whole days and soon will be 10, and I have yet to hear from you. Although I can understand where you're coming from as a friend, I think this has gone on for long enough. I think that not texting me at all for over a week is ridiculous but at the same time I still dunno WTF to do about it, and it's kind of blowing my mind that you'd let something this stupid and petty dictate our communication. I think the last time I got pissed at you and stopped talking was while I was still dating Ryan like 3 fucking years ago. Because ever since we started talking again that time, we never stopped. So now, I really don't get it. I have no idea how you feel about anything and I'm afraid to do anything because I don't want to make it worse. Although right now I could be making things worse by not texting you and you're probably saying the same thing about me, that I'm the one not texting YOU for this long. I'm going to give you till next Sunday to sort this shit out in your brain. If I haven't heard from you by Sunday, October 6th at 10:00pm (your time), I'm sending you a damn text message. It won't be mean, but I'm giving you this much time because I really don't know what else to do, but even I have my limits. And I decided that at the particular date and time, it's mine.

At any rate, you missed a good day over here. Mark and my mom both had days off so we went to the library and I got all these books I can't wait to read. And then we went to the mall and then we got home and I took a bath and now Mark is sleeping and I'm over here writing to you. I should mention that I might be a little stoned because I ate a pot brownie. At the beginning of the week, I ate two brownies and thought I was going to die. The worst part was that I was all by myself. Mark had to work and my dad was at the hospital getting this procedure done. So I figured I would relax and I had had a couple of brownies before at Loth so I figured I would be okay. Well, about 2 hours later I suddenly feel like my eyes are just randomly closing and my arms start to feel heavy. I just laid down but then my body felt like I was falling so going to sleep was not an option for me. I fought it but I kept getting that uncomfortable free fall feeling so I freaked out. I called Mark but he didn't answer so I went to the bathroom and put cold water over my head. It cleared me up for a while but then I started again so I dunked my head under water a second time and this time I threw up. After that, Mark called and I told him I was scared to close my eyes because I didn't know if I would wake up. He was at work so he couldn't come home to be with me but he said to put on something that made me happy so I put on Olga Kay. After that I fell asleep and Mark finally came home. Ew I think he just farted in his sleep :/. Anyway, so my dad finally came home from his procedure and said he felt way better and every day he continues to feel better. He has another treatment on the 8th and then 1 after that and then he's done for 6-12 months.

This week I plan on getting a lot of stuff done. I figured out how many pages of each notebook I have to do to finish them so I will be working on that plus this new study guide that I have. I think I am just going to do my schedule of each thing because otherwise I'll be stuck on all of this forever. Plus with my dad and all this other stuff... I have some full weeks.

Anyways, I'm gonna go for now. I'm giving you exactly 6 days, 21 hours, 47 mins and 5 (and counting) seconds to talk to me. If I don't hear from you, I'm texting you. Deal with it.


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