Wednesday, December 3, 2014

still awkward...

October 9th, 2013

Hey Chels,
So, it seems as if I'm gonna go another full week without hearing from you. You know... I really don't get this. I'm not sure what's going on in your life but... I just don't get it. I used to hear from you every day and we used to text each other in the morning, not just one person texting the other. Ever since that last letter of yours, we haven't spoken hardly at all. It feels weird for me to say anything to you because we've gone so long now without saying anything to each other. I think it's bogus that it's gone from complete give and take to if I don't text you, I will never hear from you. I'm not saying goodbye to our friendship, I just have no idea where to go from here.  For the first time ever, you feel like a stranger to me. We've gone through times of not really talking, but it's never been to this extent of me feeling like I really have absolutely no idea how to approach you. I just hope that one day I'll get some answers.

In other news, I have a massage today (yay!). It's not the best massage but it's better than nothing. Mark and I are doing really well, also. It seems more natural to the both of us now, being together. Things have calmed down considerably with all the different dramas going on and now we are just falling into a sweet little routine. I absolutely love having him here and if it were up to me he'd never leave. But he has an idea of what he wants apartment wise and eventually he'll get it and move out. And then when I'm finally ready, I'll probably be moving in with him. But not for a while yet. My place is still here at home with my parents.

Anyhow... I gotta get ready to leave and I really don't want to go because it'll be cold outside lol. In spite of all this, I really hope I hear from you soon. Love you!



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