Wednesday, December 3, 2014

A goddess sleepover and missing pills?!?

September 8th, 2013

Hey ladyface!!
So... I'm writing you from my friend tracy's guest room, more specifically the love seat. It is going to suck stretching out but I'm too tired to really care right now. So... Today was pretty interesting. I woke Mark up early and he did not want to get up. I think he's been having trouble sleeping because his snoring these past few days have just been so rough. So... Needless to say he made it through an hour of work before he was sent home. So... He's asleep and my mom and I are having this text conversation... My dad's pills are gone and he thinks Mark took them. I am just wondering when he'd have the time to do something like that. And then Zach calls me and tells me that Mark was fired because his boss was convinced he was on some hardcore drugs. Now... Come the fuck on, people. If you're going to ask me if Mark's been doing anything, that's fine, but don't tell me I'm wrong and then proceed to tell me how my relationship should work. There is alcohol in my house. Mark knows better than to drink because he knows he won't stop and then stupid stuff will happen. I ask him periodically if he ever has any desire to drink and he says he doesn't. I think we both know that I ask as a way of checking in as well as just plain old assurance. But no, he hasn't been drinking or shooting heroin or taking pills. He is coming down with a cold and is really freaking exhausted. And I know that like, lots of girls say that their men aren't doing anything and it turns out that they are. I believe that at this present moment, he's not doing anything. And maybe he'll get his job back, maybe he won't. Either way, he won't be unemployed for long. I am going to have a conversation with him when we get back home, though. Just that I really do not believe he's doing anything but I ask periodically because I guess I just need to hear that he doesn't crave alcohol. And I am going to tell him that please, if he ever feels the need to drink, to tell me first. I don't want him to drink because of reasons I've already said, but essentially he's a grown man. I know in my heart that the main reason why he won't drink is because he'll lose me if he does. Because all it takes is one drink to spiral out of control. I just hope he's okay, I hope he's getting enough rest and I'm thankful that he's not coughing so at least he won't want nyquil. Ugh I think it sucks that my dad has accused me of taking his pills. Like what the fuck.


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