Wednesday, December 3, 2014

God helps those who help themselves...

January 3rd, 2014
Hey Chels!!
I haven't been to sleep yet so technically it counts as writing everyday.... right? I sure do hope so. At any rate....
My dad is in a lot of pain tonight. My mom is in the bedroom coddling him and for some reason I am really annoyed at the whole thing. He just spent a month in the damn hospital, and he's supposed to be on a somewhat restricted diet. I am sure that doesn't include candy, which I know for a fact he's been eating. I'm not blaming it all on him because there might really be an issue there. But what I am saying is that he can't just go back to how things were before with all the junk food and expect things to be perfect. If I were in his shoes I would be staying away from the foods that were bad for me and staying with foods I knew weren't too hard on my tummy. I do feel bad for him and I don't want to see him back in the hospital but I'm just frustrated at the fact that he does absolutely nothing to help himself and my mom is constantly up his ass trying to do anything to make him feel better. And of course nothing can make him feel better because he won't do anything homeopathic to help himself. There could be a million reasons why he's in pain right now. I have no idea why but I suspect that his diet is a huge contribution. I don't doubt the pain. I'm just sick of the reaction to it. Why people can't just try to help themselves for real instead of relying on drugs I have no idea. I can't even do any energy work on him because he's not open to it. It exhausts me to put myself out there and get nothing back. He just can't break free from himself.
Now... regarding other matters... notebook stuff. I decided I'm going to get everything that I can finished by the 31st and then make my books. They should be over here by the time you move up here. I have two bins for you, but I'm going to see if they can all fit into one thing. I don't want either one to take up too much room in your car, unless you don't mind riding with them on the passenger seat after you drop me off. Also, I'm sorry you had such a shitty day. I didn't really respond to your texts because I was on my way to pick Mark up and my fingers were frozen, but aside from this strangness in your abdomen, I am so sorry about work. It's like nobody respects anybody in that place and I don't understand how hard it is to just leave someone's work space alone when they're not there or at least clean up after yourself. It takes like 2 seconds. I can't wait until you're out of that place. I'm glad you have a job, but I'm so tired of the way you are treated over there and I'm sure you are too. In my sigils I will write one for you, that you have the perfect job in Washington, Indiana that pays your bills and your coworkers all get along and respect each other. Although, it is something you should probably do for yourself, since I'd be adding my karma to yours and I can't burden you with that. But I can still pray for you and send you good energy.
Ugh my dog just jumped on me. I guess that makes it my bedtime, lol. I'm pretty sure my parents are going to be awake for a while but I need to pass out.

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