Wednesday, December 3, 2014

2013 year in review (on Jan 1st, 2014)

January 1st, 2014
Hey Chels!!!
What up!!!  It’s the first of the year and I’m so sorry I didn’t write last night.  I was beating Mark at this video game we like to play, Tetris Attack.  But… I’m beginning to remember to write everyday so I think I’ll get better.  Anyhow… Happy new year!!!  I’m so freaking excited about this year.  Mostly because I’m in this relationship that I’ve been in for almost half a year now already and it’s freaking amazing to me.  I did a whole bunch of cool stuff this year but I think that falling in love was the best thing I did.  It seems stupid but it’s been a long time since I’ve felt this happy and I’m glad that you and I worked our stuff out so I can share this with you.  Also… it feels a little bit weird to me to be typing this on my computer instead of on my Nook but I figured since I was on my laptop anyway because I was working on Volume 5, I wanted to take a minute and write.
So… let’s see.  We usually do this year in review things with our notebooks and before I forget I wanted to do mine.  I dunno if you remember… you are preoccupied with a lot of stuff right now (as you rightfully should be).  So… I’m going to do mine that I remember.  Let’s see…
In January, I heard from Joe Zeppo, my ex’s brother and we hung out for a couple of months.  It was cool at first but then it got weird because he was off his bipolar meds (which he obviously needed to be on) and he didn’t want to upset his brother.  Also… I had a couple conversations with Mike and they were both weird and I didn’t like either one of them.  It was just wrong for me to be involved with that whole group.  Although I am fond of Joe, I see him as always being alone if he’s going to let his brother dictate his relationships.  Also, my dad was on this stuff called Vimpat and he started getting really sick.  The drug is supposed to be really good for seizures but most people get the side effects that he did that last for about 6 months.  It was awful and he was in the hospital a lot. Also, I got to celebrate Shelly’s 30th birthday with her and a week later I got soooooo sick I couldn’t use my vocal cords for a few days, which sucked.  But I’m glad that I went to Shelly’s party because I was one of the only people that showed up.
February I was involved in the Vagina Monologues, which was put on by my friend, Ze.  This was an incredibly powerful show and it’s something I never would have done by myself and I felt honored to be a part of it.  I met some awesome women and got to know a few of them a lot better.  Also… I think this was when I started writing my books (I can’t really remember when I started those, maybe December 2012?  Or early in the year).  Had a really cool Valentine’s Day with Joe, he came over and brought me flowers and a huge sushi plate and we watched movies and had a blast hanging out in my room.
March was when things started getting really fucked up.  Things with Joe came to a head when he was supposed to hang out with me on his birthday but hung out with his brother instead so I went to my friend Alex’s party by myself and fell over a little kid who couldn’t roller skate and messed my knee up really badly.  We saw each other on Easter for the last time.  Also, I started talking to Larry again and he was trying to weasel his way back into my life (more like pants) and we started kind of seeing each other again.  And my dad was starting to get more and more sick from this drug and he was in the hospital at least 5 times at this point.  It was really rough.  Also, I missed my February/March payment for my credit card so I had to give half of my tax return money to the vultures who didn’t care that my dad was sick.  The bitches.  I also got to celebrate Rachel’s and Alex’s 30th b’days with them, which was nice.
In April, Larry and I were kind of seeing each other again but I still felt really confused by it.  We were in this loop of talking/not talking, hooking up/not hooking up, I didn’t know what fuck was going on but I couldn’t stop it, either.  ugh.  And also, my dad finally got off the Vimpat.  The doctors finally listened to me and my mom when we said that he was barfing everyday because of this stuff.  So they gave him another seizure med and he hasn’t had that issue since.  Also in April, I had this weird conversation with Mark where he admitted to having feelings for me and then I never heard from him again (until I found out he was back in IL in like June).
In May, I went to my very first Elf Fest!  Despite all the rain, it was really awesome.  I met lots of awesome people and just felt so connected to the land.  I found out later that this guy we camped with had a huge crush on me and thought that we were going to hook up even though he had gotten this girl pregnant.  They are still together even though I still feel as if he is a huge douche.  I brought your notebooks with me and got to read them and it was so nice having time to write and hang out with my friends and not worry about my dad for a minute and dance around the fire.  I never felt as connected to the land as I did back then.  And that’s when I decided that you need to live closer to me so you can experience these things with me.
In June… things started to change for me.  I found out Mark was back a few days after Larry and I hooked up for the last time.  He went on a trip to Columbus and never texted me and I got pissed.  I went over to where Mark was, which was in Belvidere where he was living with Kristin.  She had just gotten in trouble for a domestic against her husband and she found her own place to live although she didn’t have any plans to leave him (stupid).  Mark and I hung out all day and it was just like old times and everything was cool until Kristin flipped her shit and acted all stupid.  Anyway… about a week after that, Mark and I started talking again and then we just kind of continued talking and near the end of the month we were talking about being together but things were so up in the air and crazy.  At the end of the month, you and your man came to visit Indiana and I got to see you!!  And even though Kristin tried her shit on me, we still had an awesome time and I am so happy we got to hang out even for a little bit.  I can’t wait until you get here!!!!  Also, I started transcribing our notebooks!
In July, Mark and I decided this was the beginning of something.  After Kristin bombarded his phone and tried to scare me away but I wouldn’t let her, he and I spent like 2 hours on the phone and talked things out.  We made plans to hang out the next day (July 2nd) and we got to have a driving around day with Geoff.  I drove him back to his apartment and we made plans for the next week.  For 2 whole days on the 8th and 9th, we got to have a visit and we kissed and made love for the first time.  Then I heard from Larry and told him off for the first time ever.  Also, at the end of the week, Kristin finally flipped her shit and called the police on Mark so he and I couldn’t be together but it just propelled us into what we have now.  Also, for the 4th of July, I got to spend it with Ze playing Cards Against Humanity and watching fireworks over the Kane County Cougars stadium.  Mark went to jail from July 13th to August 6th. Also, on the 21st, I lost my ring with the green topaz that Beverly gave me years ago :(.  I still miss it.
Sometime in between July and August, I went to visit Mark in jail and wrote him every single day.  I thought it was something I could get over but I soon realized that I was so depressed without him.  I have wanted to be with him since I was 13 and I finally got a chance and even though all that stupid stuff happened, I decided that I wanted to be with him.  You didn’t know any of this because I was trying to figure it out for myself and there was just so much… it was kind of overwhelming.  So… on August 6th, when he got out of jail, we decided to make things official.  It’s also when he started living at my house because Kristin is a psycho bitch.  That weekend was the goddess retreat and I took him with me.  It was quite the adventure and my friends didn’t really know what to think because I never said anything about having a boyfriend and all of a sudden I had one.
In September, I got to take Mark to Wild Magick.  I got this letter from you saying you were upset that we were together and when I checked my messages I got this text from you saying you didn’t like my response to your letter and all this other jazz so we were in this weird funk for a while.  Also, Angel was having some kind of hormonal meltdown so that camping trip was very strange to say the least.  But… it was fun just being there.  I can’t wait until you can join our goddess camp.  Also… Mark started working at Beef Villa so now he has 2 jobs.  And I started putting blogs up for this thing called AdSense.  I still have no idea if it’s going to make money but I think it’s awesome to have everything I’ve ever written in a permanent place.  Also in September (the first weekend), there was a goddess sleepover at my friend Tracy’s house.  It was a bit of a drive, 2 hours, but so worth it.  And I got a new transmission in my car.
In October, I turned 31.  It was a great birthday, Mark got to meet my family and everyone got along with each other, which was so nice.  At this point I got at least 3 of the notebooks finished.  Kristin tried her shit again when she bitched at Mark about Thanksgiving but she didn’t get very far.  October was just a month of getting things done, finding a rhythm in working and just trucking along.  This year for Halloween I stayed at home with Mark so we could carve pumpkins.  It was nice :).  Also, I got to see Hanson at the house of blues with my girl, Megan!!  It was a nice pre-birthday present although I didn’t get what i wanted, which was a t-shirt.  Oh well.
In November, an amazing thing happened.  Not only did Mark and I finally go public (facebook official), Kristin beat up her sister and ran away to Idaho.  Also… a couple days before Thanksgiving, my dad went into the hospital where he’d end up staying for almost a month.  But my favorite thing that happened was Kristin leaving.  It means that there’s no more drama for us and everyone can hang out and everything is cool.  Except I don’t like the fact that she hit her sister and her kids have to suffer because she’s stupid, but whatever.  Also, my dad went to Rush hospital and had to stay the night there because in a meeting he had a seizure and they didn’t want to send him home.  We did make strides in getting the right treatment for his pain, a nerve stimulator which was supposed to be scheduled for December but he was in the hospital for so long that we had to reschedule.  And I got a really horrible uti and had to wait until my period was over to get tested and medicine for it.  Also… Thanksgiving was nice because it was just my mom, Mark, and me.  Mark’s dad came into town and brought his motorbike and they hung out while my mom and I hung out at the hospital and then we made dinner.  And it was your 30th birthday!!
December was a crappile until my dad came home.  It was a bunch of scheduling days with a hospital trip (which makes it impossible to get anything done) but it ended up pretty awesome. I got to hang out with Kristin’s family the Monday before Christmas which was nice because they got to know me for me, had a white elephant present exchange with my tarot group and had a really nice and chill Christmas.  And we got to hang out all day yesterday and today (New years!).
And that’s pretty much it!  Wow that took freaking forever but I’m glad that I got this out of the way so from now on I can focus on whatever the day holds, instead of thinking about what I HAVEN’T written about.  I can’t wait to see what this year has in store for me and I can’t wait to start counting down the days until you get here!

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