Tuesday, December 2, 2014

May 14th, 2013

May 14th, 2013

Hey Chels,
So I am still feeling under the weather. But I think I'm going to take these cold eeze lozenges for 2 weeks instead of one just to make sure that whatever I have is completely gone. My throat feels a little better but I still feel like I swallowed something wrong.
So, I have a funny story to tell. I followed Monique on twitter for like 2-3 days before she saw me and she called me out. I thought she might have not minded me doing that because she told me she was going to open up her fb and I never did anything about it but I figured I may as well with twitter. Now why I even wanted to follow her since we're not friends, I'm not sure. I guess mainly out of curiosity more than anything. So she kept saying that she was going to start following back after she hit 2,000 and I kept thinking about changing my profile so she wouldn't know it was me but then I thought that was stupid so I just kept my profile as is. And then today she wrote "ha I got you, bitch." and then proceeded to tell me to retrace my steps (still not sure what that was about) and then later I saw she wrote MORE bad stuff about me, like telling me to walk away now or it's on and telling people not to work with me to fuck with her or something. But like... I haven't told any of my friends what her screen name is and she's using my real name, not the screen name. So out of everyone who reads her tweets, no one is going to know who "Rita" is. I find that kind of hilarious in and of itself. Like how paranoid does somebody have to be to think that I've got people sending her negativity?? Are you kidding me? I have said this recently that I recognized my part in the deterioration of our friendship and have sent out positive thoughts into the universe (because I know she wouldn't care) and have since made peace with my part in it. But this just proves that I made the right decision. Because I would never ask any of my friends to get involved in anything negative. But it does make me wonder what kind of shit is going on in her life to make her think that I would do something stupid like that.
There is a part of me that would still create a bogus name just to see what she's saying, but you know... When you sneak onto a page just to see what kind of mean things people are saying about you, it hurts you. I learned my lesson when I used to go on Brian's page to see what mean things you, Brian and Emily were saying about me. But it hurt my heart to see all of the mean stuff so everytime I am tempted to do something like that, I think about that time and decide against it. Because you know what? Yeah I made a bad decision by trying to follow her on twitter, but it was out of curiosity and just wanted to see what was going on in her life and if we talked things out then at least she'd know that I knew I was in the wrong for just downright leaving the way I did. I'm not going to apologize for anything else though because she could have been honest and said she didn't want to go. But she didn't and then got mad when I had a great time. But it's been almost a year. If I can get over it and move on then certainly someone who brags about herself as much as this girl does could get over it and at least just say hi or something nice. But I'm not scared because she's getting all of that negativity tossed back her way.
Alright well... It's Olga Kay time. Then bedtime. Night!


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