Tuesday, October 28, 2014

June 13th, 2012

June 13th, 2012

Dear Chelsea,
hello my love.  Right now I am saying some prayers for you in hopes that you will start to feel better soon.  I love you so much!

Dear God,
Please look after Chelsea tonight and during the next few weeks as her body starts to heal and she finally feels some relief from not being able to breathe for a few days.  I pray that the angels of healing surround her and keep her safe so she doesn't get any worse.  And I also pray that no one else gets sick as a direct result of her being sick or this prayer.  i know it has to run its course but I just don't want any harm done to anyone directly associated with her or myself to accomplish this.  Just please be with her as she needs your tender loving care and as her body gets better.  Thank you so much for listening to my prayer.  In Jesus' name,

I'm never sure how specific one has to be but I felt like it needed to be said--no harm done to anyone!!  Only light and love and healing energies.  Alright, girl.  I want to finish my Moscato, get ready for bed, then watch some Olga Kay videos before bed (If I have the energy tonight).  I feel really good about this prayer I said for you and I love you so much!



Hey sweets,
Wow, by the time I finish with the next nb thing I have to do, I'll be done with this guy, I just know it.  I think I have a really cool idea for my next nb.  I want to do something with LJ, like make an entire nb out of all our entries but I won't start it until after I finish this one.  Good idea? Yes, no, maybe?  Or maybe it will be a whole book of our poems, which means I have to get started at saving them up.  Which means I get to buy a new nb!  Wow so that makes two in two days.  And see the thing is... I'm showing you that you don't have to have a whole bunch of money to make a good notebook, just have to be a little bit creative :).  I probably do have notebooks that I could use HERE so I wouldn't have to spend ANY money at all... I think for now that would be the more frugal idea since the point is that I don't have much money to be throwing around.  And I actually have a notebook that I dedicated to our story but I know it should be updated because a lot has happened since then. But most of it was written when I was really angry so... a lot of it is either really honest or REALLY bitchy.  I haven't decided yet.  But I do like the new angel (?) so maybe I'll try more with that and let you read when you're feeling better.  Hmmm....



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