Monday, September 15, 2014

April 19th, 2012

April 19th, 2012

Hey Chels!
Greetings from Door County!  Eeeeeee I'm so freaking happy to finally be here.  Although it has been quite an adventure and it already feels so much later than 9:30.  Probably because I had like 1 hour of sleep, I think.  We got on the road about 4:30am and made it to Door County at like 8am I think or around there.  We couldn't check in till noon so we had some time to kill.  We had breakfast at the White Gull Inn and tried to do some shopping but most of the stores were closed so we could only shop in one store and the two ladies kept following us around.  After that we checked in, then got our reflexology done (which was AWESOME), then went back to the hotel to unpack.  Then we went swimming for a while, then dinner at a yummy mexican place, then home.  My room overlooks the lake and I'd be sitting by the water writing this to you if it weren't 35* outside and raining.  But it's still nice to be able to look outside and see the water.  Even though Monique got the bigger room, I think I got the better view plus the door to the dock is in my room.  She would have to go all the way out to the living room to sit on the deck.  But the hot tub is in her room.  So, I guess it's a fair trade.

So... I only turned my phone on once today and that was only to tell my mom I made it safe.  I'm about to turn it on again to see if she got my text but other than that, it's been completely off.  I tried turning my phone back on but it's roaming and I'm the one who has to pay for it so you know what, everyone can do without me until Sunday when I get home (or when I'm not roaming anymore).  I will call my mom tomorrow to see if she got my text and let her know the number to the room and give her Monique's # in case of an emergency.

So, something's been going on that's kind of strange but cool at the same time.  Larry and I kind of stopped texting (I stopped texting him and he never texted me).  I think the last time we really talked was Thursday (a week ago).  I texted him once on Sunday and that was IT!  But on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday AND today, things that remind me of him will follow me around.  Tonight when I got home (well, home here), the first time ever that I turned the TV on there was a blackhawks game on.  He is a huge blackhawks fan.  The Tv could have been turned onto any station and anything could have been on, but it was that game. I tried to go back to it later but it was gone and replaced with two more teams.

Yesterday Monique was driving and we passed a store called Ferguson (his last name).  I had never seen that store before in my life.



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