Thursday, June 12, 2014

September 25th, 2010

Sept 25th, 2010

Hey Chels!
Man, what a day.  It was a bit more tolerable than Thursday. Even though I haven't gone to sleep yet and it's after 1am, to me it is still Friday night, it was still a really lazy day.  You know what?  I think that when you get the nb back, I'll put a dream dictionary in here as well and some highlighters.  So when we do interpretations, all we have to do is highlight words and write page numbers.  I might even throw in a yoga book too if I can find one that will fit.  I had a really disgusting dream this morning.  I was with this boy who had blonde curly hair and he was driving me, my mom and my dad through my town (of Elgin) only everything was flooded and we were on one of those pontoon boat things.  We got out and I remember being close enough to touch the side of someone's house.  It was blue.  Like ocean water (but obvious that it was painted).  We got let out at this park because I had to use the bathroom.  I open the door and it's like an outhouse except it's as big as a barn and there are no stalls, everyone is out in the open.  So I drop my pants and I take a pooh (sorry, graphic).  I lean forward and the toilet falls over, exposing the hole.  There is a purse which is big enough to stay but not fall through, and it was black.   Nobody grabbed the purse, but people grabbed and started playing with bugs.  I was so freaked out that I ran out of there and that’s when I woke up.  The good news is, I have been getting a bit more sleep.  And I haven’t been having as much trouble sleeping as I thought I would without the help of a sleeping pill.  I just hope I can keep it up.  I think what helps is writing before I sleep, and also, I lay on my back and make the effort to relax.  I tell all my body parts to relax and before I know it, I’m waking up.  Today is the party!  Since I didn’t do anything I wanted to yesterday, I have to do it before I leave (which is fine.)  I don’t know what was wrong with me… I was thinking about Matt way too much.  The weird thing is, I had never met him before that party in June, and if I had heard people talking about him I wouldn’t have known.  But he was the one who found me on facebook, and most of the time he either bugs me on yahoo or texts me.  I think my real problem is that I don’t want to be put in the middle of anything, and I don’t want to be asked questions or anything.  Everything would have been fine if Matt never told Rachel that we talk on yahoo.  The night he told her she got all weird so I added her and she hasn’t been on yahoo since.  It’s nice to be part of a group even if it is only when we see each other face to face. The last thing I want is to be accused of trying to steal someone from someone, even when that someone has a bf and only talks to Matt when she’s alone.  Ew.  Talking to him today though I knew that he is just a buddy to me and will probably always be that way.  I don’t want to tease him or anything, I just want to be his friend.  And in order to do that… I can’t tell Katie anything he’s ever said regarding her.  Sheesh… how self-involved do I sound right now?  I really, REALLY hope that I’m overreacting.  In any case, I will definitely bring this with me (in case I stay over) and let you know what did (or didn’t) happen.  It’s gonna be cold out but I’m still gonna wear my dress, and maybe the black and purple striped socks that I bought. Black goes with everything, and purple.. is… well… PURPLE!  heh.
Alright, I need to relax and get some rest.  You will be pleased to find out that I have also started planning things I’m going to video tape (for vlogs). I think I will do a portion of those, too.


32 days!

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