Thursday, June 12, 2014

September 27th, 2010

September 27th, 2010

Hey Chels!
Well, Saturday night was definitely one to remember.  The good part was getting to see Alex.  That’s the only part that made everything worth it.  It turns out her son is anemic, and he had been sick for almost a month. He got to have a boy’s night with his daddy, though.
When we got to the place, Alex told me that the last time she went to that place with Danny (her hubby), another couple, and her 1 year old son.  Apparently, the waitress had charged them an .18% gratuity (for parties of 5 or more).  Five people!  It’s ridiculous because she is still nursing.  How far is it to get charged because of that?  I’ve never even heard of that before. Who charges a gratuity for a kid under 5?  She vowed that she would never go back there but she wanted to for her friend’s party.  And apparently there is drama every time this girl has a party.  Wow it’s late.  I am gonna try and get some sleep and then pick up the rest of this story tomorrow.  Goodnight!

Boo.  It’s not quite 6:00am but it may as well be.  I have been up for the past 4 hours trying to get some sleep and I just can’t do it. I was so glad because I was doing so good for the last few days.  but I’m gonna try to see if I can get things in order before going back to the stupid Simply Sleeps.  I just want to be able to sleep!  ugh.  I’m gonna try to sleep now.  If you don’t hear back from me, I’ve gone to sleep.  Here’s hoping!
Hey Chels,
Well, I did get to sleep for a while.  At first I slept on the couch with Snickers but she kept jumping around barking at things so i went back to my own bed and slept on and off till 1pm, when I finally woke up.  Now it’s after 3pm and I feel like ass.  I was gonna start on my room but I think I want to wait until my mom cleans up the linen closet.  But what I can do this week is put stuff away in boxes so all I have to do is move everything to the linen closet, which will make things a lot easier to move around.  It will look sweet when it’s done, though.  I’m also gonna decorate the walls with music posters and posterboard collages.  I dunno how long this will take but I’m willing to take on the challenge.  So… I guess today is another “take it easy” kind of day.  But I am gonna require some kind of nourishment at some point.  I think I’m gonna go to this Chinese place I haven’t been to in a long time.  That actually sounds perfect.  Maybe I’ll even bring this!!  Oooh… that actually sounds perfect.  I think I’m gonna get ready and write you a little bit longer.  <3,


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