Thursday, June 12, 2014

September 24th, 2010

September 24th, 2010

Hey Chels,
Ugh what a day.  My stupid cysts are causing me major pain, not to mention it is so windy out that the branches are scraping against my bedroom window.  I am actually pretty excited about the party on Saturday.  I'm going to put some gas in my car, $$ on my card, and pamper myself so by Saturday I'll be ready to go.  I dunno if I'll be sleeping over but I'll pack a bag just in case.
I had a really crappy day that is now turning into a really cool day with the exception of a few things.  I have no idea what is up with my turtle but I think he might be at the age where he is ready to mate.  Either that or he just gets lonely.  And he's bigger than he used to be so when he makes noise it's definitely more noticable.  I do love him a lot though and it would take so much for me to give him up.  He's been with me since he was teeny.
I dunno what was up with me today but I just wanted to be left alone, too.  I turned my phone off and left it at home while I drove around town for a bit.  I decided to go to the store and get some chocolate and put on "Sex and the City" and it actually cheered me up until I realized that it was 8pm and all I'd had to eat was chocolate.
After dinner I came back in my room, laid down, and just continued my SatC marathon while talking to people (you included) on my phone.  So all in all, it was a very good night, despite the pain that I'm in, which seems to be going away thanks to my mom's heating pad.  it is after 1am now so I think I'm gonna watch one more episode and read more of the book I'm reading.

<3 you!

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