Sept 23rd, 2010
Hey Chelsea!
wow... I cannot believe how much I've written in here already and I've only had this thing since Tuesday. I thought about skipping tonight but then I looked at my countdown and I only have 34 days until my birthday so I can't slack off just yet. I can't wait to get the notebook. Not just the notebook but my photo albums as well. The last time I stopped talking to you I sort of had to make peace with the fact that I might never see those pictures again but it just doesn't seem fair that I have all these other photo albums filled with people who are either dead or not speaking to me anymore, and the one person I can actually stand (you) has my best memories tucked away somewhere. I am so glad that we started talking again. All the other times I pushed you away I mainly just felt like if we weren't close you couldn't hurt me again. I really wanted to have you in my life again after we started talking again the first time (I had just gotten home and you were still in GA). I was still fighting the feelings I was having for Ryan and it felt weird talking to both of you and not being able to tell you. I know I would have eventually but I didn't know how things were going to go between him and I so I didn't want to say anything for no reason.
Anywho... I really have missed you. There were times when I wished I could have said something to you. That's why I finally did on Mother's Day. I had no idea what would happen--I wasn't even sure if you even wanted to be friends with me again or if I even wanted to be friends with you. But I'm really glad that I did send that card to you.
I read that poem you wrote about Erin. it was very nicely written. She might have been your bff for the past 2 years, but that's nothing compared to the amount of time you and I have known each other and been friends. When we stopped being friends, it took me a long time to even consider someone else as being anything remotely close to being a best friend. It really opened my eyes as to what sort of people I even wanted to hang around with. I ended up reconnecting with older friends and making some new ones, but that of course does not compare to how I felt about you. I guess I could see why someone would say I was in love with you. But for me... you were like my soul sister. That's why it was so hard to let you go.
Holy shit it's after 4am. I ran out of my simply sleeps and I have tried going to sleep but I just can't. I stayed up reading for a while, but I wanted to finish this letter before I went to sleep. I think I am going to try and relax. I don't want to have to use sleeping pills to help me sleep for the rest of my life. Alright...I love you! And I hope youre having better luck at this sleeping thing than I am right now. Oh! I figured out what to get my dad for Christmas. I am going to make a memory box for him and Snickers... I am going to take him outside and get him to take pictures and get them printed and put them in a cute photo album. I also saw a pet journal at Borders... I have no clue if he will use it but I will nag him until he does, haha.
Okay... now I am REALLY going to sleep. G'night!
Rita Bo Bita
*same day*
Hey, Chels!
Ugh I am so freaking tired right now. I actually had no problems going to sleep but mr Turtleface decided to wake me up at 9am. Which means I got a whopping 5 hours sleep.
When he was tinier he didn't make as much noise I guess. But he does calm down when I pay some attention to him. Which is nice but I can't do that 24/7. I'm gonna see if I can find a place for him where he can run around and get all the attention he deserves.
Anyhow, I had the strangest dream. I was on a ship and I wanted some private time with the characters who play Logan and Rory (Gilmore Girls). It seems like the three of us were a "couple." We were going through all the rooms trying to find one that was private enough. We finally found one (but I didn't see anything) and when we were done I told Rory that I loved her and sort of implied that I felt the same about Logan but I just whispered it in her ear. Then I kind of separated myself from them. When I saw Rory again her hair was long and blonde. She looked at me and tried to get my attention but I just walked away and flirted with some other cute guy. Heh.
I am gonna lay down for now, I'll write again later.
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