Thursday, June 12, 2014

September 22nd, 2010

September 22nd, 2010

Hey Chels,
I dunno if I'm gonna be able to sleep tonight.  I have the worst headache in the world.  Not to mention I have some major room cleaning to do.  My stuff is starting to smell like turtle, I think because all the stinky water has gotten spilled.  I need to clean the carpet around the tank, which includes vacuuming and moving a lot of heavy stuff around.  That will probably happen on Sunday or sometime next week.  So... yesterday (technically it's Wednesday now) was Cory's birthday.  Which kind of blew considering I haven't spoken to him since last Monday.  I'm trying to tell myself that he's busy and he has a lot of stuff on his plate and I guess I got my hopes up when he was texting me... it was so much fun getting to talk to him again and then he just disappears.  Again!  But another cool thing about yesterday was that it was the International Day of Peace.  And I think either today or tomorrow gasfree or carfree day.  Which I think is the best idea ever.  People drive like shit most of the time anyhow.
So... I have sort of a dilemma on my mind.  My friend Alex invited me to go to a party with her on Saturday (the 25th). Now, this other woman who is friends with Alex also is coming along as well.  This may sound fine but there is something strange.  I don't remember exactly when you and I started talking again, but I went to this girl's housewarming party at the end of June.  Her name is Rachel and she and Alex go way back, like kindergarten.  Anyhow, they are also friends with this woman named Katie who is a little older.  She met Alex through her exhusband... or I think they played volleyball or something together... anyhow... everyone is pretty much friends through Alex (she's like me in that way, bringing people together).  Well, at Rachel's housewarming there was this guy named Matt who was going out with Rachel's ex best friend but they broke up and he remained friends with Rachel.  At the party I hung out inside for a while and then I went outside because I was worried about leaving people out.  Matt was out there with this girl who decided that because she was drinking, she wasn't gonna eat anything.  Yeah... was fun until she started barfing.  Anywho... after the party Matt added me to his facebook and at first we just wrote messages to each other but now we talk on yahoo pretty much everyday and text now that he has a phone again.  He is a really nice guy but apparently he is a target for unavailable women, especially Katie who has told him in no certain terms that she wants him.  But they can't do anything about that because she has a boyfriend.  But I guess it doesn't stop her from coming onto whoever she wants to.  She's not even a bad person.  She is really a joy to have around.  What's weird to me is I guess Matt told Rachel that he and I chat on yahoo and knowing her she will probably say something about it to Katie, who will probably ask me what we've talked about.  I know waaaay more than I should because Matt has told me stuff that he can't tell Rachel, because knowing her she won't be able to keep her mouth shut.  Plus I could see Katie being unrationally mad at me because I'm "stepping on her territory" which isn't even remotely true because of a lot of things.  I still like Katie and I'm not gonna stop being friends with her but I'm not an innocent of the group anymore, I know stuff.  I just don't want to get sucked into anything but in a weird way I want to dress as pretty as I can be on Saturday to show her that I can look sexy, too.  I don't even know why any of this matters, I mean we both have boyfriends and in a weird way I feel like I won already because I was told something in confidence that someone else wasn't.  I know, I know.  I'm a freak.  I also wish that I could have a do-over Florida trip. There were just so many things that I hated, like the fact that Ryan was really mean some of the time.  He did apologize for it but I still feel like it could have gone so much better.

Anyhow kiddo...  I need to go lay down.  I am really sleepy and I still got a killer headache.

<3 you!

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