HEY SWEETS! REMEMBER TO TURN YOUR CLOCKS AHEAD 1 HR. It hardly seems fair. And man, I'm exhausted. Either you're not online or you're hiding from me (meanie!)
Anywho... I am beginning to HATE working Saturday nights. I am getting really sick of whining about my job so I have decided to pick 1 story that pissed me off the most. Then I have one cute story and one sort of... okay REALLY... embarrassing story, and then I'm going to sleep (yay!)
So... Story #1. This guy comes to my window and hands me a $100.00 bill. He says something but I can't understand him so I say, "What?" And he gives me a fucking attitude like you wouldn't believe. He said he wanted a $20.00 voucher. So I print it out for him and I notice that only half of it printed out so I try to grab it from him and he moves his hand away. I just lok at him and he says, "yeah that's what I thought." and walks away. Like 10 minutes later I see him going to someone else's window asking for a $20.00 voucher because "the machine only gave me half a ticket before." And the lady's like, "well, they do that sometimes." He wins a JERK OF THE WEEK AWARD.
I just have to say I am really enjoying this cold weather we're having. But I totally forgot to wear a jacket tonight at work. :(. So... I have to tell you something. And I dunno what ur gonna think but I know I can trust you so... here I go.
Wow. I just got really tired. I'll write in the morning.
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